News on the war against jihad
Israel Security Foils Hezbollah Kidnap Attempt of Israelis In W. Africa
by Holger Awakens
This is big. It's big not because it showed the hand of Hezbollah plans as well as the fact that Israel's Mossad is all over Hezbollah operatives. Let's look first at the details from the story here at DEBKA:
The number of Israelis and Jews in jeopardy is counted in dozens. In five cases of late, the special Mossad outfit was able to foil active Hizballah plots to kidnap Israeli businessmen based in West Africa. DEBKAfile’s sources report that Israeli intelligence leaders were divided over whether or not to go public on these cases. The pro-publication advocates argued it would be a good thing for Hizballah to take into account that the Mossad was closely watching its operations in Africa and Latin America, and had structures in place for protecting likely victims, uncovering kidnap plots and identifying their prime movers.The article details how Israeli security hasn't wanted to reveal that they have been watching these kidnapping plans but last week an Israeli businessman was kidnapped in Nigeria and although it wasn't done by Hezbollah, it was time the Mossad should alert the world to Hezbollah's activities and their own. This is all a result of a pledge by Hezbollah's asshat leader Nasrallah making threats that his terrorist group would go after Israelis worldwide in revenge for the killing of renowned terrorist Mughniyeh in Syria earlier this year. Nasrallah's warning was taken seriously and Israel is basically alerting Hezbollah to the fact they know their plans and they are watching. I've said it before, that Hezbollah feels they are ready for a new war with Israel and that they want to bait Israel into another invasion of Lebanon - the best way for Hezbollah to do that would be by capturing more Israeli soldiers but by capturing Israeli civilians outside of the Middle East and then via a vivid execution of those captives, might just bring Israel into Lebanon again. Read more at Holger Awakens Another Holger piece that you'll want to know about: Australian Military Under Fire From Muslims For Keeping Taliban Prisoners In 'dogpens'