

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama's Sex Ed: All About Inappropriate Touching?

Photo credit: Children's Learning Institute

Senator Obama thinks it's fine to discuss with a 5 year old, with medical accuracy, just why a baby's delivery by stork is a myth. Our grandparents or great-great-grandparents came up with that sweet story for a reason, didn't they? What is the teacher to say? Daddy put the baby in mommy's tummy?...and then what? This is what Democrats do...they want inside your child's head.
According to Senator Obama, his vote for Illinois Sex Education Bill 99 would affect kindergartners only by teaching them about inappropriate touching. Everything about Illinois Senate Bill 99 is considered to be "medically accurate," and "age appropriate," according to Obama. The Bill does not address who makes the decision about what is age appropriate and what is not? 1) Do you trust school administrators? Senator Obama did. 2) What are first graders taught that kindergartners are not? 3) What are second graders taught that kindergartners are not? 4) What are third graders taught that kindergartners are not? 5) What are fourth graders taught that kindergartners are not? Parents had "an opportunity" to opt-out. Many teachers wouldn't have a clue how to explain, with medical accuracy, how not to spread a sexually transmitted disease to a 5 year old, a six year, or a 7 year old. And when the parent opts the child out, what is the child doing as the class proceeds? On July 18, 2008, ABCNews.com interviewed Senator Obama:
When Obama's campaign was asked by ABC News to explain what kind of sex education Obama considers "age appropriate" for kindergartners, the Obama campaign pointed to an Oct. 6, 2004 story from the Daily Herald in which Obama had "moved to clarify" in his Senate campaign that he "does not support teaching explicit sex education to children in kindergarten... Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it, Obama said. If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not from a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing.
My question is, and no offense to the millions of wonderful, wonderful educators out there, but who knows what some whack-job teacher might teach? We know many of them WON'T even teach documented history! Who knows what their view of appropriate sex ed might be? According to Amy Proctor's Blog, Senate Bill 99 (which was never enacted, by the way) was mandated to follow SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States) READ THE ACTUAL SIECUS curriculum for kindergartners through 3rd grade and 5th grade through 8th grade at Amy's. I don't know what happened to 4th graders. If you think "vagina," "penis," and "uterus" are inappropriate for kindergartners...and then there's this: "Some people are homosexual, which means they can be attracted to and fall in love with someone of another gender,..." then you will not want Senator Obama making decisions about your child's sex ed. When the teacher says one can "be attracted to" someone, and the child asks what that means, what does the teacher say? Well, they "fall in love," - oh, okay. When the child asks: where is the vagina? How does the teacher explain that? With pictures? Ditto penis and uterus. These are 5 year olds. Leave it to Mom and Dad until 5th grade. I'm not sure how to teach a child what inappropriate touching is. Maybe, let no one touch you from your neck to the top of your legs - except Mommy when she's bathing you, and dressing you? Except Daddy when he's doing the same. Except for Grandma when she's doing the same? Except for Grandpa when he's doing the same? Except for the babysitter doing the same? Except the Doctor when you need an exam? Be sure to tell if you are ever touched between the neck and the top of your legs, except for these times. What???? How is a child to take all this in? Leave it to the parents. It is indeed a dangerous world out there for children, and especially for small children. We can make it better by putting offenders in prison FOREVER on the first offense - and no, I don't think I'm off topic. Check out John McCain.com for excellent documentation of this and more: John McCain.com documentation Read the full text of the failed Senate Bill 99 More:Wake up America: Fact Checking McCain Ad Saying Obama Voted for Sex Ed for Kindergartners

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