Graphic by No Sheeples Here
Triumvirate (
1. a government of three officers or magistrates functioning jointly.
2. a coalition of three magistrates or rulers for joint administration.
3. any association of three in office or authority.
4. any group or set of three.
Rush Limbaugh was discussing George Neumayr's column in American Spectator, The Unholy Triumvirate yesterday.
Neumayr begins his column with this:
If Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid had to write the Declaration of Independence and Constitution from scratch, what would those documents say? Would they read like the current ones? No, they would read like the platform of the Democratic Party.Then, Rush asks the BIG question: Who is the real Barack Obama and what will happen to this country if he becomes president? George Neumayr, writing today at the American Spectator. Let me read some excerpts of this to you.

[Neumayr] The extent to which the 1960s counter-culture has become the culture and 1960s anti-Americanism become the new patriotism is amazing. The extent to which the 1960s counter-culture has become the culture and 1960s anti-Americanism become the new patriotism is amazing. That's why Obama could launch his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist and pay almost no price for it. As Chris Matthews lectured Pat Buchanan on Hardball last Friday night, Ayers was a terrorist with a worthy motivation: he bombed the Pentagon because he wanted America out of Vietnam, a blameless goal indeed. Under the Left's tortured understanding of the new patriotism, even Jeremiah Wright is pro-American: his fulminations had the purpose of drawing America into the light. Patriotism is now measured not by respect for the conservatism contained in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution but by the level of one's enthusiasm for the America to come.
Read the entire American Spectator article.To be a good American now means you nod vigorously as an Obama supporter at a cocktail party bashes the Boy Scouts as bigots while explaining to you why Obama's association with the "distinguished" education professor (as Congressman Rahm Emanuel put it) Bill Ayers is no big deal. It means you chuckle along with Joe Biden as he tells Ellen DeGeneres that conservative Californians are deluded to oppose gay marriage.
Or it means listening in hushed awe as unimpeachable American hero Colin Powell calls the most liberal Republican presidential nominee ever "narrow" and insufficiently "inclusive," and scolds unnamed Americans for objecting to the notion of a Muslim president.