
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Megyn Kelly Levels Hofstra Professor on Ayers Petition

In the video below, Fox News' Megyn Kelly gets a bit heated in this interview. Some 3200, mostly academics, signed a petition in support of William Ayers' "character." Singer, a Professor at Hofstra University, opines that Ayers' brand of terrorism did no harm to U.S. citizens. It amazes me that these "intellectuals" process our damaged property and near brushes with death, as mere protest. Former Senator Bob Dornan (currently a talk radio host) was on Hannity's radio program, I think it was Hannity, this week. Dornan said when the U.S. Capitol was bombed by Weather Underground, he was on premise within minutes of the bombing. Guards told him that a young mother and her small child exited the Ladies restroom only seconds before the blast - which obliterated the restroom. (I'm not sourcing this. It takes too much time, but I did hear it). The constant rant from Ayers, and now from these petitioners, is saying that no one's life was in danger. These federal buildings have guards, and so...the terrorists "called in" with a warning, and I understand the warnings came only minutes before, what about a guard in the Men's room, or wherever...honestly, how dare they. And then construction crews have to wade though all the debris...and taxpayers pay for reconstruction. It leaves me speechless (almost). Ironic: Singer finally laments that he doesn't want "the voice of the opposition" silenced. Visit Monkey in the Middle for some high-profile names signing this petition. Thanks to and Pundital

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