Wake up America posted links to two nifty blog analyzers. One analyzes the level of education needed to read a blog. Maggie's Notebook reading level weighed in at the "genius level." Are you rolling on the floor laughing??? Actually, I have always considered my readers to be genuises.
The second analyzes the gender of the writer(s) - "Man or woman - who is writing that blog?"
We have strong indicators that http://maggiesnotebook.blogspot.com is written by a man (93%).This is wrong, of course, for Maggie's Notebook, but GenderAnalyzer says they are correct 53% of the time out of approximately 12,000 analyzations. This is a fun exercise. I encourage you to visit The Blog Readability Test and the GenderAnalyzer. If you are not a blogger, just enter the url for your favorite sites. Thanks also to TalkLeft