
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Luton, England: Anti-Al Qaeda Protest: March 28th, 2009

The Pentagon, under the direction of Barack Obama, has banned the use of "The Global War on Terror." But we all know where the terror is, and it is global, and all of it is perpetrated by Islam. Our friends in England are fighting a battle that is being denied by those in the media and Parliament. Brits are running scared. They are afraid to speak out or show-up...with some brave exceptions. See a video below.

Lionheart - Luton, England
Lionheart is a frequent contributor here and other blogs passionately concerned about terrorism. If you do not know his story - and a story that is evolving and very serious to his life and liberty, and that of his family - then visit him at Lionheart. Don't stop at the homepage. Dig into his archives. Americans need to know what is going on in Britain, because we are the next stepping stone. On March 28th, this Saturday at 12:25 p.m., there will be a protest in Luton, England, Lionheart's hometown and where his saga began. Here's what the march is all about:
After watching our soldiers from the Royal Anglian Regiment being aboused by the British wing of Al Qaeda on the streets of Luton, the wider community are now going to march in demonstration against them and in support of our troops.
Here's a message for Lionheart: The threat to the life of the nation has never been greater since the Second World War, and it is happening now in our generation. The militant wing of the Islamic religion is hell bent on causing mass murder and mayhem against the British people as they seek to force us to bend and bow in submission to their religious ideology – This cannot be doubted! 7/7, the Glasgow airport car bombing, the ‘Tiger Tiger’ nightclub failed car bombing and all other thwarted attempts are proof enough of their intent towards us. It might only be a small minority who carry out these acts, but that does not mean that they are not supported by the vast majority (a debatable issue). The Home Secretary has now stated, after being given a new report on tackling Islamic extremism in Britain, that there is an increased threat of a dirty bomb attack being carried out against us. The threat is not new, so as the report states regarding the proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical substances, it is only a matter of time until there is a successful terrorist attack that outweighs in gravity the attacks that have already been perpetrated against us by Al Qaeda. It’s not ‘if’. It is ‘when’, ‘where’, and ‘how big’? The Home Secretary has said that it is the responsibility of not just the Government to tackle the threat now posed to our national security, but also that of the wider community. Quote: She cited the example of the Muslim activists who recently protested at a homecoming parade in Luton for British forces returning from Iraq. She said: "The civil challenge means that, if people feel it appropriate to demonstrate against our troops coming home from defending this country abroad, we - as Government and others - will say in turn that we think that that's wrong. "Not that they've broken the law - one of the things we're defending in this country is the right to free speech, but that isn't free speech that will go unhindered or unchallenged by either Government or, I think, the broader community." After watching our soldiers from the Royal Anglian Regiment being abused by the British wing of Al Qaeda on the streets of Luton, the wider community are now going to march in demonstration against them and in support of our troops. The organiser of the official event pulled out of leading this through fear of controversy, and has rearranged for London in April. We the people, are so incensed at what took place on March 10th that we will be meeting in Luton on Saturday with or without Luton Council’s permission. That is just the common consensus amongst the people. If we the people cannot stand up to this abhorrent behaviour by this civil enemy, then who is going to? As the Home Secretary has said: “but that isn't free speech that will go unhindered or unchallenged by either Government or, I think, the broader community." The broader community will be meeting in Luton on Saturday March 28th at 12.25 to demonstrate and challenge those extremists living in our country. Each and every person working within the mainstream media have a responsibility to your country too. Are we not all in this together? What if it is you or one of your relatives caught up in a mass ‘dirty bomb’ attack in London at some point in the future? We the people need your help to tell the country that we will be meeting in Luton on Saturday. The BBC and ITV give Anjem Choudry, the Osama Bin Laden of British militant Islam a platform to promote his vile ideology, yet they refuse to help those seeking to challenge that. Isn’t it about time, for the sake of the future life of the nation, that those in power start to help the common people with their aims and objectives? Now is that time, and it concerns Luton, which has been the scene of so much Al Qaeda terrorist activity, including Al Qaeda’s deceleration of war against us on the morning of 7/7. We can do what we do through the internet, and arouse the few, but with mainstream media coverage we can arouse the many from amongst the broader community to come out in support. Now is the time for you to do what the Home Secretary has said, or go back to sleep and remember this message when you are reporting the next Al Qaeda terrorist attack to hit our shores. Those on the Left within the Establishment should not refuse what the Home Secretary herself, has said because this is their country too. If they do, it proves the point that they are just as much our enemy as militant Islam itself. No Moslems in positions of influence should refuse either because if they are true to their words about there being moderates from amongst them, then they should welcome a demonstration against the militants from within their own religion particularly as they have never demonstrated against this element themselves. We will be in Luton on Saturday at 12.25pm whether it is just one elderly man with a sandwich board protesting against this disgusting behaviour on our streets, or 10,000 demonstrators. Once again Al Qaeda in Britain has started this and this will be our response. Help us or hang your heads in shame!!! This is not a political march; this is a demonstration of the people. Daily Mail: Threat of a 'dirty bomb' Further reading: Luton link to ‘dirty bomb’ attack Further reading: Shopping centre attack End Lionheart.
Luton, England Anti-al-Qaeda March: Saturday - March 28, 2009

©2007-2012copyrightMaggie M. Thornton