
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care Stealth: Happening Now! Call these Senators

Beware: The mammoth cost of health care should be the last of your concerns, because the legislation, itself, will put the quality of your life at risk. I received the following in an email from Maggie's Notebook contributor, Jim Simpson at Truth or Consequences. A health care vote is coming in the Senate if Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama stamp their foot a few more time. DO NOT think this is over until after recess. If you've been checking the headline, you know that is not the case. Now is the time to ramp-up the fight. Even in the newly, supposedly re-worked plan to make it more palatable to Republicans, dire issues still remain. Forget about cost. The issues are: 1) The day the plan takes effect, if you change your job, you will never again be able to have a private plan, no matter what your new employer offers you. You will be on government health care, like it or not. Do not be deceived that you will have an option. 2) Five years after the plan goes into effect, if you are still with same employer, on a private plan, your employer's plan must match the government plan. 3) Your medical records will be in government hands. If you believe the President when he says your records will be private, remember that we cannot keep homeland security and military information private. If ever anything is communist, taking charge of our health records is absolutely dictatorial. This is one you should care deeply about. 4) Doctors pay will be bundled: he/she will not be paid for when he/she treats you but by how the government deems he has managed your case. Your doctor will be removed from guiding your care in all ways. 5) We are told that no one will be excluded from this plan - but the truth is seniors will be excluded. No more hip or knee replacements, no more pace makers - all of that is probable. And what good is to be covered if you doctor cannot treat you adequately? There is so much more. Please visit Ironic Surrealism for a list of tweets from people who are going through the bill line-by-line and quoting the bill. To give you some idea what you'll find some astonishing tweets. Here's an example:

Fed Govt mandates eligibility 4 State Family Planning Svcs. Say abortion & State Sovereign. Nurse Home Visit Svcs – “increasing birth intervals btwn pregnancies.” Govt ABORTIONS any1?
What you do in the next few hours may determine the future of healthcare in this country. You have to call the following Senators RIGHT NOW. While we all have been breathing a sigh of relief that the Healthcare bill would not come up for a vote before the Senate recess, Rahm Emmanuel and the Senate Democrats are quietly managing to manipulate Republican Senators into supporting a changed healthcare bill worked out in a six-member panel of the Senate Finance Committee. The Washington Post reported today that A VOTE MAY OCCUR BEFORE THE RECESS. The members of that panel are listed below. It has not been voted on in Committee yet, but if it wins with Republican support, the Democrats will call the bill "Bipartisan" then remove whatever positive changes Republicans made when the Senate version goes to the Conference Committee to work out differences with the House bill. The House bill is the terror that everyone has been commenting on, and with Pelosi in charge, it WILL NOT CHANGE. THIS IS THE BILL THEY WANT, and it brings with it the following horrors: euthanasia for seniors, drastically reduced healthcare availablity, no private healthcare at all, taxes, taxes and more taxes, wiping out the private healthcare industry and on and on. The bill will destroy both our healthcare system and add yet another body slam to an economy already reeling from Obama's other monstrous initiatives. CALLING IS BEST. ONLY FAX OR E-MAIL IF YOU CAN'T GET THROUGH. E-MAIL ONLY IF YOU ARE FROM THE STATE. Beg them, plead with them, tell them anything, but try to convince them not to support it. Tell them you will withhold donations to any and all Republicans if they support it. This bill is a DISASTER!! Tell them that. Put them on the defensive. Make sure they hear your voice!! CALL THE DEMOCRATS TOO. If you are a democrat, tell them you will withhold donations to any and all Democrats if they vote for it. Let them know that you are outraged. Yesterday in my calls to Congressmen I expressed my shocked disbelief that anyone could possibly be so reckless and irresponsible as to dream up such an overtly destructive piece of legislation. They need to know how we feel! Pass this e-mail on to everyone you know and urge they do the same. Republicans Chuck Grassley (Ranking Member) Phone: (202) 224-3744 Fax: (202) 224-6020 Olympia Snowe Phone: (202) 224-5344 Toll Free: (800) 432-1599 Fax: (202) 224-1946 Mike Enzi Phone: (202) 224-3424 Fax: (202) 228-0359 Toll free: (888) 250-1879 Democrats Max Baucus (Chairman) Phone: (202) 224-2651 Fax: (202) 224-9412 Jeff Bingaman Phone: (202) 224-5521 TDD: (202) 224-1792 Tollfree (in NM): 1-800-443-8658 Kent Conrad Phone: (202) 224-2043 Fax: (202) 224-7776 FOXNews just announced that the House has reached a compromise with Blue Dog Democrats. Details later. The announcement is that they have cut $100 BILLION from the bill. If you believe that...see me about a good deal on the Empire State Building and a secret way to build your real estate portfolio. Health care stealth in Washington, D.C. right now. Update 7-30-09: Sprain your ankle. Denied an MRI or whatever the doctor prescribes. TODAY, you can decide to pay for treatment now denied to you, out of your own pocket. Now, we don't what to do that, BUT we can mortgage our house or sell our car if we want to, to get the necessary treatment. AFTER health care reform passes, you no longer have that option. Your doctor is not important in the management of your health care.

©2007-2012copyrightMaggie M. Thornton