

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ban Ki-moon Warm-Monger: Climate Bill Loses 2 Million Jobs: Stabenow Embarassing

I do not want to wish away my days, but I can hardly wait for four months from today - that would be December 12th. We should have intensified droughts, floods and other natural disasters by then, if...we do not "seal the deal" on climate change. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, says we have just four months...

We have just four months. Four months to secure the future of our planet.
We fund these people. U.N. members come from all the world and enjoy the generosity and luxury of the United States. They are devious and worthless in every way. The U.S. needs to get out of the United Nations and we need to get the United Nations out of the U.S. The Hill is reporting a recent study indicates that we will lose 2 million jobs by 2030 if the House climate bill passes.
The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the American Council for Capital Formation (ACCF) released a study Wednesday that found under a high-cost scenario the House global warming bill could reduce economic growth by 2.4 percent and cost 2 million jobs by 2030. ...And though the impact of the bill will grow over time, the economy will start feeling the effects of the carbon cap almost immediately. “Industrial production begins to decline immediately in 2012, relative to the baseline,” the report notes.
This is a very interesting report. Read it here. And then there is the liberal Senator, Debbie Stabenow, not making Michigan very proud these days. The lady "feels" global warming when she flies. Did she actually leave the ground or was she smoking something when she gave this interview?

Detroit, Mich. - Michigan just experienced its coldest July on record; global temperatures haven't risen in more than a decade; Great Lakes water levels have resumed their 30-year cyclical rise (contrary to a decade of media scare stories that they were drying up due to global warming), and polls show that climate change doesn't even make a list of Michigan voters' top-ten concerns.
Yet in an interview with the Detroit News Monday, Senator Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.) - recently appointed to the Senate Energy Committee - made clear that fighting the climate crisis is her top priority.
"Climate change is very real," she confessed as she embraced cap and trade's massive tax increase on Michigan industry - at the same time claiming, against all the evidence, that it would not lead to an increase in manufacturing costs or energy prices. "Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I'm flying. The storms are more volatile. We are paying the price in more hurricanes and tornadoes."
And there are sea monsters in Lake Michigan. I can feel them when I'm boating.
Can we get any more ridiculous than the reports on this page? ChicagoRay: Liberal Senator Debbie Stabenow "Feels Global Warming" Everytime She Flies...
The Admonition: Debbie Stabenow Global Warming: She Feels It

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