Friends, I have been blogging now for 2-1/2 years, minus my 7 month hiatus in 2007. After awhile it became apparent that I didn't know nearly all I should know about getting my blog noticed. After all, there are many millions of us out here. How could I get noticed on the web? How could I help readers find my blog, other than the obvious - great content? Even with great content, some blogs languish.
I wanted to move to the next step and learn all I could learn about SEO (showing up on search engines). We can read everything we can find on the web about SEO, and there is a lot of it, BUT funny thing - often, the real secrets are never divulged. I wanted to know those secrets, and so I have been working with the people at Fort Hard Knox. I already see a difference and I attribute it to the Fort Hard Knox methods and expertise.
I recommend Fort Hard Knox, and my contact, Jenn Sierra. The bottom-line, she has increased my traffic. Jenn has been a huge help - often just pointing out something that seems small but brings significant rewards. This is how they describe their services:
Fort Hard Knox, provides consulting services in the areas of online profile management (aka “online brand management,” or “digital reputation management”), social networking for promotion, and basic blogging for political conservatives online. Training in these areas is available on an individual basis, or to groups in the form of live or web-based workshops.Bloggers are people who like to share valuable information. We like to support those doing a good job rather than adding to the problems on the blogosphere, so that's what I'm doing - sharing valuable information. If you need some some help to move your blog to the next step, let me know and I'll introduce you to Jenn. My email is or go directly to Jenn and her group of experts at