

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Glen Beck Video 9-12 March on Washington: Justin in Alabamas Video

I found this at Logistics Monster with a message to pass it on, and I gladly do so. Justin in Alabama made this video for his mother:

Glen Beck 9-12 March on Washington
This resulted from a Mom in Alabama asking her high school son to help with a commercial for the Tea Party she was involved in organizing. Boy, does it slam the message home. Very impressive. Here is her note: “I asked Justin if he could help me make a commercial for my group’s Tea Party. He sat down at the laptop for about an hour, and then brought this to me and asked, ‘is this okay, Mom?’ After I finished watching it, my stomach was in my throat. Everyone that I have sent it to has really enjoyed it, so I wanted my friends to see it. I am so proud!”
For information on the 9-12 Project, go here.
Glen Beck 9-12 Project March on Washington: Justin's Video

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