

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Major Garrett Robert Gibbs: White House Email List (Video)

At 9:25 pm CDT, Major Garrett is on On the Record with Greta Van Susteren. He is talking about today's White House Press conference where Garrett asks Gibbs about a mass emailing of a message from David Axelrod to voters. See the video below. See Update below.

Major Garrett
Garrett wants to know how the list was assembled and determined. Gibbs maintains that the people who received the email, signed up to do so. Garrett says he has emails from people who received Axelrod's email who did not sign up "for "anything related to this White House , to Senator Obama as a candidate, or Obama as anything." Gibbs wants to see the emails. Garrett says he doesn't have permission to turn the list over to the White House. Tonight on Greta, Major Garrett has said he now has permission and is waiting to hear back from Gibbs. (I heard a few words about "Freedom of Information Act). On Greta, Garrett says the communication from Axelrod was 8 White House priorities for health care, clearing up myths, defining principle goals for health care, etc. This is a very interesting exchange. I haven't given it all away in the above dialog.
Major Garrett - Robert Gibbs White House Email List (video)
Update 8-13-09 10:15 pm CDT: You must read this at Ace of Spades: Tracking Terrorists on the Internet: Bad, Tracking American Citizens on the Internet: Good See also: Ronald Reagan Speaks Against Socialized Medicine (Video) Megyn Kelly, Bill Burton: Bill Burton, Megyn Kelly White House Email List (video) Vladmir Lenin Quotes Barack Obama (Video) Rahm Emanuel's Brother Has the President's Ear. Hear what Dr. Emanuel has in mind for you. ChicagoRay: Bad News for the Ruling class as E-mails from Public Overload White House Hot Air: Major Garrett grills Gibbs - UPDATE: See White House Privacy Policy This one for fun: Even Dogs Know Socialism: No Treats from Obama (Video)

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