
Saturday, October 31, 2009

NRCC wastes $900000 on Scozzafava: What is the RNCC doing for Hoffman now?

The NRCC has spent $900,000 to get DeDe Scozzafava elected in New York's 23rd district special election on November 3rd. Scozzafava "suspended" her candidacy today - $900,000 wasted - donated by Republican and or conservative voters. $900,000.

Pete Sessions - Chair of NRCC

As RedState's Eric Erickson says, NRCC chair, Pete Sessions is "batting his eye lashes at Doug Hoffman" while "wearing a fig leaf." The grand old party establishment has no choice but to get behind the conservative choice in NY23, Doug Hoffman. Congressman Pete Sessions gulped and said:
He [Hoffman] would be very welcome, with open arms.

Doug Hoffman is running as a candidate for the Conservative Party in New York and there is a lot of talk about a third party gaining momentum which will, in the end, be hurtful to Republicans, but Hoffman tried to gain the Republican nomination. He is/was a registered Republican but could not get the party chair's support.
I have not left the Republican Party. The Republican Party has left me and has turned its back on the voters of the 23rd Congressional District and on the values that made our party strong," Hoffman said in prepared remarks after his introduction.
Republican leaders in the people's House, John Boehner and Eric Cantor have learned an important lesson from their shotgun endorsement of a RINO Republican, who in truth is a liberal Democrat: Republicans want more than talk about conservatism, we want conservatism.

While it is not much remembered these days, the Republican party is historically the party of conservatism. The party has been hijacked - steamrolled by the "politically correct" movement that began with Bill Clinton. We don't need a third party. We just need conservative candidates, so that we can vote for them and put conservatives in Congress.

Message to the Congressman Pet Sessions and NRCC Executive Direction at the NRCC: just give us conservative candidates and let us show you how to take the party back from PC voters.

So, how much of the $900,000 is still scheduled for advertising for Scozzafava over the next three days? Has the NRCC pulled ads for the assemblywoman? Is the NRCC furiously producing ads for Hoffman? What is the RNCC doing for Doug Hoffman in the next three days?

Scozzafava endorses David Owens, Newt calls Scozzafava's exit left, "statesmanlike."

Newt Backs Doug Hoffman: Gingrich Age of Party leaders Picking People is Over

NRCC Backs Doug Hoffman: RNC Backs Doug Hoffman

RINO DeDe Scozzafava Quits NY23: Hoffman NRCC Funds Available? 

Doug Hoffman and Sarah Palin's Endorsement

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