
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Robert Bob Bauer is Anita Dunns Husband: Robert Bauer is Barack Obamas Lawyer: Dunn Bauer Power Couple

Robert 'Bob' Bauer is Anita Dunn's husband. Anita Dunn is President Obama's White House Communications Director. Robert Bauer is Barack Obama's personal attorney and the attorney for Obama for America since January 2007. See video below. Update 11-13-09 below.

Update 10-23-09: FOX News reports on Glenn Beck's news that Robert Bauer is being considered to replace Greg Craig as White House Chief Counsel. You might remember Craig's as the man responsible for the unprecedented firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin. See updates below video.

Robert 'Bob' Bauer - Anita Dunn: Power Couple

This power couple is in the news because Anita Dunn has recently made to controversial statements: (1) that Fox News is an "arm of the Republican party," and that Mao Tse Tung is one of the two philosophers Dunn most often turns to [assuming for 'wisdom.'] That comment put her husband in the spotlight, because he is also a member of Barack Obama's inner circle.

This report says Robert 'Bob' Bauer is Obama's personal attorney, attorney on political matters, and he is also chief counsel at the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and he is "the chief of the political law group at Perkins Coie headquartered in Seattle.

Bauer is considered "one of the nation's pre-eminent experts on election and campaign finance law." He is tending to Obama's interests on the Rod Blagojevich matter. I was wondering if he represented Obama on his "natural born" status, and wouldn't you know, WorldNetDaily has some of the answer, but maybe not all of it:
[Perkins Coie] ...the Seattle law firm hired by the White House to defend Obama in court cases challenging his "natural born" citizenship status and thus, his eligibility under the U.S. Constitution to be president. 
 If Bauer has not argued in court to keep Obama's "real"  "long form" birth certificate away from the public, we know he must have worked behind the scenes. You'll read below that Bauer is considered to be an "elite" and part of a "wiley group" in Washington, D.C.

Bob Bauer was counsel to Tom Daschle during Bill Clinton's impeachment trial. He worked for the presidency of Bill Bradley and John Kerry. He actively worked against Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign by arguing union support for Hillary in Indiana was illegal.

From this New York Times article from 2004:
Mr. Ginsberg [Benjamin] on the Republican side and Robert Bauer, a Democratic lawyer, have established themselves at the pinnacle of an elite and wily group of Washington election lawyers who have been testing -- critics say weakening -- the new McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law, as politicians and parties try to navigate the complex rules to their clients' maximum benefit.
Bob and Anita were featured as one of Newsweek's Top Power Couples in 2008. In fact, they are the only power "couple" mentioned - they were designated "The Couple" in an article titled The D.C. Powers. You can see what is alleged to be the Bauer-Dunn's home in Chevy Chase, MD by clicking here. Bauer is listed as a "partner" located in Washington, D.C. on the Perkins Coie website.

See the story of the "Fox News" bashing in the video below.

Anita Dunn - Fox News (video)

Update: 10-23-09:
Major Garrett, FOX News says that Bauer may move from the top attorney for the DNC, AND Obama's personal lawyer to the post of White House Chief Counsel to replace Greg Craig. The White House is mum on the matter but Garrett cites unnamed Democrats "close to the situation. Obama's media controller, Anita Dunn, and Bauer's wife, isn't talking either.

Update 11-13-09:
It was announced today that Robert "Bob" Bauer IS replacing current White House counsel Greg Craig. Lots of rumors: was Greg Craig ousted over his tardy closing of Gitmo? or the way he fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin - a scandal underway right now? Or did Obama just want his long-time personal attorney, Bob Bauer, in the White House?

The latest:
Issa Calls for Ethics Probe: Bauer behind Obama-Sestak Stonewall?

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