

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Noor Almaleki Dies: Faleh Hassan Almaleki Kills Daughter

Noor Almaleki has died. Faleh Hassan Almaleki is now a murderer.

Noor Almaleki

Noor was 20 years old when her father ran her down with his Jeep Grand Cherokee in Surprise, Arizona. He left his daughter alive but in severely critical condition. The coward fled to Mexico and London, spurring a massive man-hunt. He is now in custody. Bail is set at $5 million. I'm awaiting an announcement that CAIR will serve as his attorney.

An Arizona University professor, Tom Keil, teaches the "sociology of murder."
The kinship groups are so tight that when someone dishonors themselves, they dishonor the whole kinship group," he added. "This Iraqi man would be diminished in the eyes of fellow Middle Easterners. If the family does not do something to restore honor, they are looked at in a peculiar way."
 This article quotes an autopsy report in Baghdad's Institute of Forensic Medicine:
"killed to wash away her disgrace" as a cause of death on autopsy reports.

Faleh Hassan Almaleki

"Honor" has nothing to do with this. This is a matter of men controlling women. Women are nothing in Islam. I searched for a comment about Noor's mother and found nothing. Where is Noor's mother?

Dinah Lord has the story and all the background of this murder.

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