

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Christians Discriminated Against in Britain: Nurse Banned for Wearing Cross

Shirley Chaplin, a nurse in a British hospital, is banned from working hospital wards for wearing a small cross on a chain around her neck...a cross that she has worn for 38 years, including all of her time at Exeter Hospital.  Muslim nurses wear head coverings, and if you know anything about our friends across the pond, you know that Islam is protected at great lengths to the detriment of English citizens.

The problem stretches farther than the practice of Christianity. Some 640 teachers, school governors and "faith leaders," are decrying compulsory sex education for primary school students - even as young as 7 years old.
"There have been numerous dismissals of practising Christians from employment for reasons that are unacceptable in a civilised country."
This is an important story. It will be the "story" in the U.S. before long if we are not vigilant.

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