

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hal Rogers Calls for Clean Wartime Bill: Olympia Snowe Balks at $200B Spending Extender

Unbelievable, as America chokes on it's own self-serving debt and promises to drown it's children, a $200 billion spending billin the name of Defense is awaiting passage. Funds for Haiti relief, reparations to black farmers, and land claims for American Indians are entwined with funds for our soldiers and for the VA. How do legislator's vote against the troops? Rep. Hal Rogers has a suggestion and even Senator Olympia Snowe is balking at the gigantic $200 billion extender bill.

Hal Rogers

Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY-5th) has called for showing respect for the coming Memorial Day observance by "passing a clean supplemental bill:"
It is ironic...that with hundreds of thousands of our brave warfighters in Afghanistan, Iraq, and around the globe pursuing an enemy who attacks innocent civilians and crowded subways, Congress is all but failing to do it's duty. Congress needs to put our troops first, protect our citizens, and pass a clean, wartime supplemental spending."
Read the excellent opinion piece by Rep. Rogers at The Daily Caller. Thank you Rep. Rogers.

Nevertheless, continuing the charade of the recent Democrats PayGo resolution calling for every dollar of new spending to be covered by cuts somewhere else, Democrats blithely move the country toward destruction.
New spending can also be offset by tax increases under what is known as pay-as-you-go rules, but republicans oppose tax hikes most of the time and say the problem is too much spending.
Behind the $200 billion, $23 billion for funds to the nation's schools is waiting for it's share of the garish Democrat sunlight.

Olympia Snowe

Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) saidid "At some point you have to draw some lines." Astonishing coming from this RINO who so often grabs the hand of a "friend across the aisle" and is willingly led to do their bidding.
I think they should limit it, "Snowe said. "They're using it as one of these catch-all bills. They're sort of trying to score political points by adding everything in there and then say, "Well, we'll force them to cast a vote because it's election time, rather than doing what's right for the country."
Is there a retort against a clean wartime spending bill?

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