

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ed Schultz Martyr Meltdown over Fox News: Jealous of Brett Baier

Ed Schultz, really peeved that Obama had an interview with Fox News' Brett Baier - in his own time slot, and didn't come to "him," mentions something about no loyalty from the White House. The look on his face tells his story - he's eaten up with sheer jealousy, saying  "I busted my ass for Obama." His face gets even redder when he says Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA 9th) would not promise to tell the Congressional Black Caucus to stay off of Fox News. In this clip, Schultz ends with  "I'm really sorry that Glenn Beck's going blind, because I think it's a travesty he won't see the country he is destroying."
Schultz is host of The Ed Show on MSNBC and the Ed Schultz Show, a syndicated radio talk show.

Ed Schultz

Ed Schultz Martyr Meltdown (video)

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