Here's your unbiased media folks, you know, the ones who have baldly lied to you, lied to you by omission and declared war and claims of racism on anyone who did not vote for Barack Obama. Enjoy these tidbits of Journolist ecstasy, along with some hate speech. NASCAR fans, don't miss the quote on the last line of this page.
Dateline November 4th, 2008: Snippets of elitists on JournoList from The Daily Caller - Thanks to Jonathan Strong (The affiliations shown below are as of the date quoted)
Josh Bearman, LA Weekly: 11 months ago I burst into tears by myself on a plane while watching Hardball when my mind wandered to the image of President Obama being sworn in. I've been fighting it ever since. [interesting that Bearman travels by air by himself].
Michael Tomasky, The Guardian: I'm just jelly. Lord!
Harold Pollack, University of Chicago: I am awed by the responsibility we have taken on. Tomorrow a desperately ill African-American woman will present at my university hospital for care, and she will be turned away. She will expect us to live up to what we feel tonight. So we've got a lot to live up to.
Dateline November 7th, 2008:
Michael Cohen, New America Foundation: Mark Penn and Bob Shrum. Anyone who uses the expression "Real America." We should send there ass to Gitmo!
Spencer Ackerman: Let's just throw Ledeen against a wall. Or, pace Dr. Alterman, throw him through a plate glass window. I'll bet a little spot of violence would shum right the f**k up, as with most bullies.
Eric Alterman, Author, What Liberal Media: F**king NASCAR retards...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Obama 2008 Win Sends Journolist into Ecstasy
Posted by
Maggie Thornton
3:59 PM
Labels: Authors, Daily Caller, Journalists/Writers, Liberals, MSM
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