

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Curtis Everett Gatewood Organizes NAACP Rally: Obama Booed - Called "N" Word: Black is Back Rally

The NAACP rally in the video below is basically a call to war. It was organized by  Reverend Curtis Everette Gatewood, and the rally calls to "whup" Obama's ass. The president is called a "coon,"and a "ni**er," and the idea behind the get-together is "Black is Back."

The organization led by Gatewood and the Durham NAACP chapter,  - just four days after 9/11 "implied that the victims murdered in the World Trade Towers were "racists, and he called upon African-Americans not to fight in any wars against terrorism." See a video below.

Zip at Weasel Zippers has the whole story. See the original story at YesButHowever.

The “statement” of the coalition includes a direct swipe at President Obama:
“We are determined to shatter the silence and the assumption of universal support for U.S. imperialism within our community because white power is now represented to the world in black face (Obama).”

You'll remember that the NAACP recently accused the TEA parties of racism. Then Andrew Breitbart released an unedited, but less than complete video of Shirley Sherrod speaking to an NAACP meeting. The firestorm that erupted declared Shirley Sherrod to be a Civil Rights icon, a heroine of unusual character and integrity, until we learned that she and her husband abused teenager farmers on the Sherrod New Community farm.

But there's always another side to the story...isn't there? At Gatewood's website you find this message:
Curtis Everette Gatewood is Facilitator and Founder of "secure the Obama Presidency (S.T.O.P, a non-partisan grassroots campaign to ensure the 44th President, Barack H. Obama, the first African American to hold such a position, is treated fairly, given a chance to succeed, and kept safe."
In a video on his website he calls those opposing Obama's agenda, "blabber-mouthed racists."

So what's the truth? Did Obama win him over, or has the National NAACP hushed Gatewood? Why are we not hearing about Gatewood and the NAACP's march to Black Power? Visit Weasel Zippers linked above for more. Video language warning.

NAACP Rally - Obama Booed and Worse  (video)

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