

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Democrats F*ck Tea - New Campaign: Coffee Cocoa Parties Failed

Carol at No Sheeples Here has once again produced the consummate video response to Liberals and their ugly rejoinder to everything honorable - and specifically TEA Parties. Democrats have organized a F*ck Tea Party campaign. Nice, huh? No Sheeples Here suggests they F*ck Kool-Aid. As you watch the video, pay attention to the music by Lily Allen. Of course, there is salty, but meaningful language throughout. Carol's Definite Opinion productions knocked it out of the ballpark, and suggests we simply F*ck Kool-Aid.

This from CBS:
A new progressive group called the F*ck Tea campaign. "Progress is the real American party," reads the campaign website's tag line.
"Set aside your good manners, your tolerance, your measured understanding of policy differences, and your earnest do-gooder ideas for a just a moment to join me in telling the Tea Party what you really think of them," Agenda Project founder Erica Payne said in a press release.
The Agenda Project describes itself as "a public policy organization dedicated to building a powerful, intelligent and well-connected political movement capable of identifying and advancing rational, effective, non-ideological ideas in the public debate."
So you say, "hey Maggie - these people aren't Democrats" - "this has nothing to do with Democrats," well, my Liberal friend, you would be wrong:
While the Tea Party and the subsequent Coffee Party are grassroots, decentralized movements, Payne's Agenda Project is structured as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit. Payne is a former Democratic National Committee official who has founded other organizations like the Democracy Alliance, a group of liberal donors whose partners have invested over $100 million in progressive organizations.
No Sheeples Here has some great commentary about F*uck-ing Tea. Follow her links to other pithy bloggers also talking about these people across the aisle who know not of honor.

©2007-2012copyrightMaggie M. Thornton