

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jan Brewer Bans Ethnic Solidarity Classes - Bans Classes on Gov't Overthrow, Resentment of Others

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law a provision to ban all classes promoting ethnic solidarity, government overthrow and promoting one race over others in Arizona schools.

Jan Brewer

The law does not prohibit classes that are open to all students, so long as they do not promotie "ethnic resentment" or "solidarity." Phyllis Schlafly writing for Investors.com says:
Arizona's Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, says the basic theme of the Mexican-American studies program is that Latino students "were and continue to be victims of a racist American society driven by the interests of middle- and upper-class whites."
Among the goals listed for the Mexican-American Studies are "social justice" and "Latino Critical Race Pedagogy." Pictures of the classroom showed the walls decorated with "heroes," such as Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
Someone named Sean Arce runs a "solidarity" program in Tucson schools, and says, and I quote: "...students do better in school when presented with material that includes people who look like them." The thing is, America is teaching these kids that our country belongs to them, and is not intended to be shared with them by the rest of us. Is Jan Brewer a hero for America and our Republic, or what?

by Maggie at Maggie's Notebook

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