
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mike Stopa Massachusetts 3rd District Candidate on GZ Mosque, Health Care and Global Warming

Mike Stopa is a conservative running for the U.S. House of Representatives for Massachusetts' 3rd District.  He faces four other Republicans in the September 14th primary. All are running for the seat currently held by Rep. James McGovern, pegged as a "far-left" Democrat "leader," by GovTrack, who has been sitting in the House and voting the Democrat party-line since 1997.

Mike Stopa

Stopa is making some waves through published articles and interviews. He is a PhD physicist, and the director of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network Computation Project in the Physics Department at Harvard University. He has had over 75 publications in print.

In the video below you'll hear a very interesting conversation with Mike, who points out that large entitlement legislation can be "de-funded," just as DukakisCare was de-funded under Republican governor Bill Weld in the early 1990's. Stopa details how this can be done in the video and in the Worcester Magazine:
"Dukakiscare more than two decades ago was delayed, unfunded and finally quashed in Massachusetts. He used this as a roadmap to un-funding and defeating Obamacare with a Republican Congress, suggesting specific ways to prevent Obama from drawing funds out of other plans and diverting them to Obamacare."
I believe we must hold to this opinion tightly. We cannot except anything less than the death of health care, and the financial reform bill.

Mike is a prolific speaker and writer. He recently responded to a New York Times article on the Ground Zero mosque. The following is one of the points made by Stopa. Read the entire article here.
One major difference between mosques and churches or temples is that anyone may enter a church or a temple. Only muslims may enter a mosque (or at least the principal prayer areas). It is not the bricks and mortar of the mosque building to which people object. 
Rather, the concern is with what goes on inside. To what extent are they seed beds of terror? We do not know because we are not allowed to go in and see and hear. This makes the life of Muslims and their mosques rather like secret societies. We know that people like the Fort Hood shooter were indoctrinated in American mosques. We know that there is radicalism in Islam. And we are not allowed in the door to see how much of that is going on....
Islam seeks a world of believers and is willing to put its worldly sword to the task of getting them. I therefore don’t like having Muslims meeting in secret to discuss these things in my neighborhood. The burden of proof that what’s going on inside is all innocent is with the followers of Islam. 
Mike says he is "a life-long fiscally conservative Republican," which is not easy for a Harvard Department head. He and his wife Hiromi have been married for 15 years and have four daughters.

Mike and Hiromi Stopa with their daughters

I have listed some select videos below to give you a feel for who Mike Stopa is and how he would serve Massachusetts and all of us across the U.S., because today we recognize that "politics" are no longer local. Every Democrat vote across the country affects you in Des Moines, your sister in Dallas or my family in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In almost every case, these candidates are running against entrenched Democrats. We must help them get national attention and put money in their war chests because we cannot move the Democrats out without funding.

As the bloggers participating in Ten Buck Fridays TBF brings information on constitutional conservatives to the fore, we ask you to donate whatever and whenever you can to these fine candidates. TBF can only dish up one winner a week. Forget the 'official' Republican committees, use your credit card online or mail a check directly to the candidate. Even $5 or $10 can be significant. Our future and the futures of our children and grandchildren depends on it.

Visit Mike's YouTube channel here, his blog here, his Facebook page here, Twitter hereStopa for U.S. Congress here, and his position on the issues here.

NASA Moslem Outreach, Mike Stopa on Hannity

Ground Zero Mosque, Mike Stopa on Hannity

Say the Word Terrorism, Mike Stopa on Hannity

Yes We can, deport

Harvard Physicist Calls Global Warming Hysteria

Republican Mike Stopa: 'What is Nano Technology'

Mike Stopa on Defunding Massive Entitlement Legislation (video)

Thanks to videoblogger Shredder

Posted by Maggie @ Maggie's Notebook

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Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion - Thank you!
Larwyn's Linx and Doug Ross - Thank you!

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