

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tying Black Liberation Theology to Obama's Salvation

My recent post on Obama's education plan received several interesting comments. One was from Spunky, whose website Spunky Home School features a post on Black Liberation Theology which is preached by Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's pastor and mentor for the past 20 years. There are two videos on the page. The first is the 1995 video of Obama speaking about white executives refusing to pay taxes to inner cities, and his salvation being wrapped up in the Black community, among other things. Spunky makes the following observation and then moves to the second compelling video featuring James Cone, one of the so-called fathers of Black Liberation Theology.

Linking one's personal salvation to a "collective salvation" may seem like an odd comment until you understand Black Liberation Theology.
Spunky offers both video and some text. If you have the time, watch the entire video. Related: Obama's Education Plan: All About Reparations? All About White Supremacy? Choose Your Own Day Care - Don't Let the Government Do It for You PRE-PRE-Kindergarten is Daytime Adoption: Obama's Plan Obama's Sex Ed: All About Inappropriate Touching? And if you still believe that Barack Obama does not, and has not, had a close relationship with William Ayers, if you still believe that Ayers is "just a guy in the neighborhood: Obama and Ayers Shared an Office for Three Years

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