

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Islamic Presence in Space - Video

Iran's launch of a Safir-2 rocket places an official "Islamic presence" into space. Estimates of a Safir-2 rocket's range are about 1500 miles - enough to reach Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey...but...Iran has another, more powerful rocket - the Shahab-3, and today's launch is witness that Iran is on the path to using space for its own agenda. The hostile use of space is a growing threat, and now Iran has joined the fray. Germany is hosting the U.S., France, Russian, China and Britain this week. The purpose of the get-together: to find ways to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran's launch yesterday showed the bottoms of their soul-less shoes to the free world - just as the thwarting of U.N. resolutions have done. Do we think Iran has no interest in a nuclear-laden ICBMs with a bulls-eye set on America? Quoting President Obama (read the entire transcript and see the video here):

I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems. I will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. To seek that goal, I will not develop new nuclear weapons. I will negotiate with Russian to take our ICBM's off air-trigger alert,...
Read how Europe is reporting Obama's plans today. 33 Minutes
Heritage Foundation - Video

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