

Saturday, November 7, 2009

AMA Votes Health Care: President touts AMA support: AMA members outraged

The American Medical Association (AMA) has been forced refused to revisit their endorsement of ObamaCare. See an update 11-08-09 below.

Small problem. The AMA endorsed health care reform proposed by the House without taking a vote of delegates. Obama announced that he had the support of the AMA. Physicians not supporting the legislation are a tad upset. They want their voices heard.

 Some members are outraged that the group's trustees made the endorsement without the formal approval of the organization's House of Delegates.
From Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), the House Minority Whip:
I frankly do not think the AMA represents the wishes of the physicians in the communities throughout the ground in this country."
A newly drawn resolution may be voted on Monday, November 9th.

Update 11-08-09:
The AMA will NOT vote to repeal the already unauthorized endorsement of the health care bill.

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