

Friday, November 13, 2009

Conservative Black Bloggers on Beck 11-13-09: Blogger Maria - Glenn Beck Show Friday November 13

Last week I posted that a fellow blogger, Maria, would be appearing on the Glenn Beck Show on November 5th. Well, the whole world knows that Glenn was in-hospital having his appendix removed. The show was rescheduled. So Maria will be there today along with fellow Black Conservative bloggers.

Adrienne (L) - Clifton (R)
Conservative Black Woman (top) - Maria (bottom

I don't have all the details of today's show, but here is what I know. Maria, also known as Namaste when she blogs at My Voice on the Wings of Change, will appear in a townhall format along with 3 other bloggers: Clifton from Another Black Conservative, Adrienne Ross from Motivation: Truth and Conservative Black Woman . There may be more than 4 bloggers. We'll find out tomorrow.

The topic of the show: Time to be Heard

Visit these three blogs. I think you'll see that today's Glenn Beck Show will be a spirited discussion.

Poster graphic courtesy Carol at No Sheeples Here.

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