

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rafiq Ismail is Nidal Malik Hasan Palestinian Uncle: Rafiq Ismail speaks from Ramallah

Rafiq Ismail is Nidal Malik Hasan's uncle. Ismail spoke to Fox News reporter Reena Ninan in Ramallah from the West Bank, Palestine. See that video below.

Nidal Malik Hasan is the accused Fort Hood shooter. First reporting on Nidal Malik Hasan said that his parents immigrated to the U.S. from Jordan. Now we know that this Uncle lives in Palestine. His parentage being Jordanian still makes sense because being "Palestinian" does not indicate a ethnicity. Actually, being Jordanian doesn't indicate ethnicity either. Both modern-day Palestine and Jordan residents probably descended from Syrian and Saudia Arabia blood, and perhaps Lebanon.

Nidal Malik Hasan

Authorities believe Hasan is the author of Internet postings supporting suicide bombing, and we know that what is currently considered Palestine is the home of suicide bombers.

The uncle said he didn't realize his nephew could use a gun, says he fainted at the site of blood and changed his major to medicine. Ismail is the second confirmation that Hasan did not know the Arabic language well, and that he could not even read the Koran in Arabic.

Here's the video:

Nidal Malik Hasan's Uncle, Rafiq Ismail, speaking from Palestine

Related and Background:

Nidal Hasan NOT shot by a lowly woman? Hasan shot by Sgt. Mark Todd?

Nidal Hasan Premeditated Murder Charges

Hasan sent Bouquet and Koran Quote

Michelle Malkin and Hannity: Fort Hood video

 Nidal Hasan Starz Strip Club? Devout Muslim Hasan buys lap dances?

Yousef al-Khattab Mocks Murdered Soldier - Sends get well message to Hasan 

Nidal Hasans Radical Mosque 

Fort Hood Killer on Obama Homeland Security Policy Institute task force

Malik Hasan and Hate Crimes See a video of Hasan on the morning of the shootings.

Nidal Malik Hasan and Hate Crimes 

Nidal Malik Hasan Murders in the name of Allah?

See this post for minute-by-minute updates as it was happening.

Read about Kimberly Munley, the police officer who took Hasan down 

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