

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Senate Healthcare Poll: Conservative Voters Needed

CNN has a new poll up: Do you want the Senate to pass its health care bill? Conservative voters needed. See poll on right, half-way down the page. h/t Nearly Nobody's News.

Just above the health care poll is a poll asking: How do you feel about Obama's job performance? I voted and was shocked to see the results. Out of 47 votes, there was one vote each for "approve," "strongly approve," and "disapprove." "Strongly disapprove received 44 votes or 93% of the vote.

The senate health care approval vote is leading with voters wanting the bill to pass the Senate. I think it is reasonable to assume that some of the same voters, voted in both polls.

It's an interesting dynamic that people want what they think will be a free benefit, yet understand that the man trying to force this on liberty-loving Americans is doing so through un-American legislation.

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