
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sarah Palin Gridiron: Barney Frank Gridiron: Palin Addresses Death Panel

Sarah Palin and Barney Franks were the featured bi-partisian speakers at the winter Gridiron dinner with an audience of journalists - or as Palin referred to them, an "elite audience of leading intellectuals, or as I like to call it, a death panel."

Here's two more favorites from Palin:

As for the president, Palin joked that she was looking at a magazine cover of Obama and Chinese president Hu Jinato during an airplane flight. A nearby passenger stated, "Hu's the Communist," she related.
And, Palin said, "I thought he was asking a question." 
Staying with the book theme, she joked that “If the election had turned out differently, I could be the one overseeing the signing of bailout checks and Vice President Biden could be on the road selling his book, 'Going Rogaine.'
Politico couldn't really find anything funny in Franks' speech. There was one line from him - something about newspaper recovery (after a bailout, no doubt), Twitter and Claire McCaskill's lunch, which Franks is not interested in.

Lynn Sweet is talking about Sarah's "otter skin" handbag. You go Sarah! And Todd Palin's cummerbund featuring the North Star and Alaska's position on the globe.

One important thing to know is that the winter Gridiron dinner is always "off the record." In other words, the speechs are not public...BUT THIS YEAR...the Gridiron Committee broke that 100-year-old rule, and instead, before and after the speeches and the "songs" attendees were allowed to Twitter.

The evening ended with the "Gridiron Singers," performing a non-traditional 12 Days of Christmas that featured Rush Limbaugh and "two tea-bag goons:"

“On the first day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: A Marxist in a dead tree.

On the second day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Two tea-bag goons.

On the third day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Three hell-no's

On the fourth day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Four bawling Becks

On the fifth day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Five Sarah swoon-ins

On the sixth day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Six health care death squads

On the seventh day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Seven bug-eyed birthers

On the eight day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Eight Cheney boomlets

On the ninth day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Nine ACORN busters
On the tenth day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Ten thundering mossbacks

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: Eleven loony liberals

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Rush Limbaugh gave to me: twelve flaming liberals, hunted down in the wild and field dressed, medium well-done, seared on the fatty edges—“

And then Palin joined the chorus for the final line:

"Right next to the mashed potatoes," she sang.

Related and Background:

Sarah Palin to Speak at Winter Gridiron Dinner

Sarah Palin Talks with Rusty Humphries - Obama Birth Certificate "Fair Game"

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