
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Elizabeth Trisler National Oratory Contest Winner Denied Honor in State House

Elizabeth Trisler, a 19-year-old Ohio woman, won a National Oratory Contest for her delivery of a pro-life speech. Ohio Rep. John Adams asked to present Ms. Trisler with a "Resolution"  from the floor of State House of Representatives. At least one Democrat found that idea offensive.

According to Bill O'Reilly's Factor this evening, he began investigating Speaker Armond Budish who effectively said this "resolution" was not appropriate for this House floor. The O'Reilly investigation changed Budish's mind.

Elizabeth Trisler and her mother appeared on O'Reilly tonight. Hear her story in the first video below. Ms. Trisler is cool, calm and collected. God bless her for standing up for life.

The day Trisler should have received her "Resolution," Budish presented Taylor Wayne, a young girl, with a Resolution for her Martin Luther King, Jr. oratory. See that in the second video. Do you think Taylor is using a teleprompter?

O'Reilly and Elizabeth Trisler (video)
Taylor Wayne Receives Resolution from Budhish (video)

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