

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rush Limbaugh Deems Obama a Third World President Video: Refusal to Fly Flag at Haiti Rescue?

Rush Limbaugh says Obama is a third world President. Limbaugh has 'deemed' it so, so it must be so. Did you know we refused to fly the American flag at our Haiti rescue operation? The Army Times is wondering what's going on (quote below). Well, it might have something to do with the fact that we have a Third World President, trying to run the leader (the U.S.) of the Free World. See the video below of Limbaugh discussing our Third World leadership, then go to Hot Air for the rest of the story:

The many nations helping Haiti recover from the devastating earthquake that struck there have set up their own military compunds and fly their flags at the entrances. 
France's tricolor, Britain's Union Jace and even Croatia's cost of arms flap in the breeze.
But the country whose contributions dwarf the rest of the world's -- the United States -- has no flag at its main installation near the Port-au-Prince airport.
Video courtesy of The Right Scoop.

Rush Deems Obama a Third World President (video)

Linked by Memorandum - See topic: US forces not flying the flag in Haiti?

Linked by Jeremy E. Sarber - Thank You!

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