Rep. Michele Bachmann's website has the announcement: (see a video below)
Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann
On April 7, 2010, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will host a fundraiser for U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann's re-election campaign.
The event will take place at the Hilton Hotel in Minneapolis, MN, with a private reception and photo opportunity starting at 4:30 PM, a general reception at 5:00 PM, and dinner at 6:00 PM.
Honorary Hosts for the evening include Governor Tim Pawlenty, Senator Norm Coleman, Congressman John Kline and Congressman Erik Paulsen.
In you're interested in attending, please email Zandra Wolcott at for further details.
In addition to the fundraiser, plans are also in the works for a rall. Be sure to check back over the next several days to get the latest on Governor Palin's visit on April 7.The video below is Bachmann from September 2008, talking about Palin. The McCain-Palin ticket is long behind us, but Michele's comments are still spot-on.