

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Greg Craig Offered Judgeship to Leave White House Counsel Quietly

It apparently is a habit, deeply ingrained - probably from years in Chicago politics and sleeping with a woman (Michelle Obama) who worked in Mayor Daley's office. President Obama, currently under fire for  offering Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) a "job" to drop out of the Pennsylvania Senate race to make it smooth sailing for the ridiculous Arlen Specter, offered White House counsel Greg Craig a judgeship to quietly leave his White House position - all this according to a new book by Jonathan Alter.

Obama Administration casting a shadow on the Presidency

Craig was blamed for Obama's failure to sell the closing of Guantanamo, and he infamously made the late night call to Inspector General Gerald Walpin...firing him because Obama had "lost confidence" in him. Nevermind that Inspector Generals cannot be "fired" in such a manner. And it was also about Walpin ringing the alarm bell about Obama's pet AmeriCorp and his friend, Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson (former NBA star) and the misuse of millions of taxpayer monies.

Well, let's hope we don't become immune to these serious allegations.

The real scoop in Alter's book, The Promise: President Obama, Year One, is billed as the first to dish on the White House environment surrounding the President daily, and seems to have plenty to say about Rahm Emanuel, the President's Chief of Staff:
Certain employees loved when “Rahmbo” called them “princess.” Others didn’t.
 “Take your f—ing tampon out and tell me what you have to say,” Emanuel told an unnamed male aide during a meeting in his office, wrote Alter, who asserts that reports Emanuel “mellowed over time were untrue.” 

Rep. Darrell Issa is attempting to get some answers on the Sestak job offer. The story is finally gaining legs. It's an important issue. We have the need to know.

Everyone letting this White House degrade the presidency, including Barack Obama, deserves the humiliating loss coming their way in the next two years.

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