
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Obama Skips Memorial Day Wreath-Laying at Arlington Cemetery

There has been a plethora of disrespectful activity out of the Obama White House, but this goes to the top of the list. Barack Obama has chosen to take a "long holiday weekend" in Chicago rather than attending and laying a remembrance wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, May 30th.

Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetary

Donald Borsch Jr. at Political Integrity said it well:
You have done a great many unjust things, President Obama.  You have apologized for America being the strongest damn Nation on Earth to weaker countries.  You have done your best to bankrupt us.  You have lied, manipulated, and coerced your way into office.  But this.  Wow.  You might just as well spit on Veterans.
No, President Obama is not the first President to miss the ceremony. There have been a couple of others, but he is the first to skip it just because he wanted a vacation...just because it is inconvenient. If a President cannot manage to stay in town, or arrive back into town, for this tribute on behalf of the American people from the highest office in the land, to those who made the ultimate sacrifice...well, I'm speechless and ashamed for this man and his family. I predict a pox on him coming directly from ballot boxes all over the country.

Linked by Storm'n Norm'n - thank you!

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