
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Young Jewish Man Carries Israeli Flag in LA Muslim Street Protest Video

I found this inspiring video at The Conservative Lady. She titled it A Courageous Soul. As Los Angeles Muslims take over the streets, this lone, courageous young high-schooler walks among them holding the Israeli flag. Police follow him - hopefully with the goal of keeping him safe. At about 3 minutes in, hear him interviewed - all the while holding the flag high. Contrast and compare the two Muslims at the very end. The woman is Helen Thomas in the making.The man sounds a bit like Paul McCartney these days.

Lone Israeli teenager carries the Israeli flag in a L.A. Muslim street protest (video)

Related and Background:
American Emily Henochowicz Loses Eye in Terror Flotilla Protest

Young Jewish Man Carries Israeli Flag in LA Muslim Street Protest (Video)

Gaza Flotilla Terror Choir: We Con the World (Video)

Furkan Dogan American Dead on Gaza Flotilla

Hamas Flotilla Aid Refused

Gaza Flotilla - al Qaeda Members Aboard

Susan Rice, American UN Ambassador Skips Terror Flotilla Discussions at UN

Flotilla War Atmosphere before Israel Boarded - Martyrdom or Gaza Shores

The Angst of Supporting Israel
Who and What are Palestinians?
Rupert Murdock: U.S., European Survival Without Israel

Without Support, What Happens to Israel?
Golda Meir: War and Wisdom
About that Two-State Solution
How the Gaza Tunnels into Egypt Work
Discovering Kryptonite, Disabling Superman
United Nations Condemns Hamas - Gotcha!
United Nations Seal Condemnation of Israel

In a class of its own:
Gaza Flotilla Terror Choir: We Con the World Video

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