
Monday, May 31, 2010

Flotilla War Atmosphere before Israel Boarded: Al-Jazeera: Martyrdom or Gaza Shores

The Muqata website is following the terrorist "Flotilla" news closely. You will find ongoing updates there. A couple of things from the website that you won't read elsewhere:

There is nothing humanitarian about Palestine's hate for Israel

The Muquata:
PMW reports: On the day before the Gaza flotilla confronted the Israeli navy, Al-Jazeera TV documented the pre-battle atmosphere created by men on board the flotilla, chanting a well known Islamic battle cry invoking the killing and defeat of Jews in battle:
"[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!"
The flotilla's goal:
Al-Jazeera also interviewed a woman who said that the flotilla participants' goal was "one of two happy endings: either Martyrdom or reaching Gaza."
Read the background on this story here, and remember, the Oslo Accords grants Israel the right to blockade, and the right to stop-and-or-search ships for weapons bound for Palestine.

Related and Background:
American Emily Henochowicz Loses Eye in Terror Flotilla Protest

Young Jewish Man Carries Israeli Flag in LA Muslim Street Protest (Video)

Gaza Flotilla Terror Choir: We Con the World (Video)

Furkan Dogan American Dead on Gaza Flotilla

Hamas Flotilla Aid Refused

Gaza Flotilla - al Qaeda Members Aboard

Susan Rice, American UN Ambassador Skips Terror Flotilla Discussions at UN

Flotilla War Atmosphere before Israel Boarded - Martyrdom or Gaza Shores

The Angst of Supporting Israel
Who and What are Palestinians?
Rupert Murdock: U.S., European Survival Without Israel

Without Support, What Happens to Israel?
Golda Meir: War and Wisdom
About that Two-State Solution
How the Gaza Tunnels into Egypt Work
Discovering Kryptonite, Disabling Superman
United Nations Condemns Hamas - Gotcha!
United Nations Seal Condemnation of Israel

In a class of its own:
Gaza Flotilla Terror Choir: We Con the World Video

Linked by Reaganite Republican in Netanyahu Strongly Defends IDF Actions

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