Heck yes, it's possible! And I'm not the only one starting to think the conservative candidate Ann Marie Buerkle can defeat the incumbent statist Dan Maffei in the NY25 contest. The biggest obstacle is Dan Maffei's campaign war chest, built up by Washington insiders and special interests. Buerkle, on the other hand, has relied primarily on donations from people like you and me - normal hard working folks who want to see real change in Washington, DC.
Recently an official from the Obama administration came to town to appear at a Maffei event, saying he brought along Obama's checkbook. That's how these people think. Maffei's called himself a Keynesian and I think he posed as a bearded Marxist when he embarrassed his district with his appearance on the Colbert Report. For some reason, he didn't wag his finger when Colbert suggested Maffei doesn't read bills. I guess he saves that behavior for his constituents.

Please, help us throw this guy out of office. We don't even have to settle on some rotten RINO who will go along to get along with the progressives in Washington, DC. Ann Marie Buerkle wants to cut spending. She wants to repeal Obamacare. She's against cap and tax. She wants to extend the Bush tax cuts. She believes entrepreneurs create jobs, not the government. On top of all that, she's a nice lady. No wonder Maffei is filling our living rooms with ads attacking her.
She’s an RN and mother to a whole passel of kids who went back to school to become a lawyer and has defended Syracuse’s biggest hospital over the last several years. She’s like your best-friend’s mom.I can vouch for that description. I've met and spoken with Buerkle - she's surprisingly normal. She has a lot of grassroots support in the district. Her biggest challenge is that Dan Maffei is one of the House's top 5 fundraisers. He's flush with cash and he's using it to attack Buerkle because he can't run on his record. Ann Marie Buerkle needs your help to fight Maffei's smears and she asking for donations. She's made over $10,000 today. Can we double that? Please consider making a donation and using those "share" buttons to help spread the word about the conservative woman from New York.
And she’s also a threat.
She’s a mainstream conservative, a go-to-work-and-do-your-best type whose values and priorities are reflected in the hearts and homes of the people of upstate New York.
Ann Marie Buerkle for Congress!!!
Beat the Deadline Money Bomb
Cross posted from The Lonely Conservative