

Saturday, October 9, 2010

G.W. Bush Talks About His New Book, Decision Points (Video)

Former President George W. Bush spoke at the University of Alabama this week and talked about his new book, Decision Points. The video below points out that G.W. has never spoken-out about his "decisions," and has been loathe to speak out against the ugly dialog coming from Barack Obama and the years of pummeling from the mainstream media.

George W. Bush

He apparently does speak candidly in the book. There will be revelations, and I believe this book will be a huge seller - but we will not hear him bash the Obama administration. We have long-waited to hear the stories of the decisions this principled, good-hearted man faced.

Bush speaking at the University of Alabama:
"It's about the decisions I made as president, and it's very anecdotal. Here are the stories, and you can decide what you would have done," he was quoted as saying in the the Press-Register of Mobile.  The 64-year-old said the tome gives some understanding to the decisions he made on tough issues like the handling of 9/11 and the Iraq war. The president, who has become a target of both Democrats and President Obama since he left office, refused to comment on the current state of political affairs. "You're not going to see me out opining or offering my critique. Frankly, I don't think it's good for the country to have a former president criticize his successor," Bush said.
In keeping with G.W.'s non-confrontational manner, the book will not be released until after the mid-term elections, with a Decision Points release date of November 9th, 2010.

George W. Bush - Decision Points (video)

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