
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger Woods Snores: Neighbor Says Tiger Woods Snored: Jarius Adams is Tiger Woods Neighbor

Jarius Adams is Tiger Woods' neighbor. He ran to the scene of the now infamous accident to find Tiger lying on the ground next to his Cadillac Escalade. Update 12-03-09 - ooooooh, there's more. see below.

Tiger Woods' Cadillac Escalade

"I saw Tiger laying on the ground. Elin was talking to him. At that point, I said OK, I immediately ran back into the house, got the phone, dialed 911," said Adams."
Adams told investigators Woods had a bloody lip, but did not appear to have any broken bones or more serious injuries. But the 33-year-old professional golfer was not conscious.

"At that point he was snoring," said Adams. "He was actually snoring."
Elin Woods sat beside her husband of five years, holding his hand.

"She was very quiet, just kind of in shock, you know, just kind of sitting there," he said. 
A surprising new detail is that both Tiger's mother and Elin's mother were in the house at the time this was going on. Adams said they both "emerged from the house." Beyond this, nothing else is said about the Moms.

Adams and his sister, Kimberly Harris got blankets and a pillow for their wounded neighbor, and said he "up close" to everyone there and there was no evidence of alchol or drugs.

This from Adams' sister, Harris:
Harris said she noticed a rear window of the truck was smashed in, but she didn't see a golf club outside the vehicle.

"I saw two sitting in the seat of the golf cart," said Harris. 
When a person is unconscious is it possible to snore?

Update 12-03-09:
TMZ is on Greta's On the Record: About Rachel Uchitel, TMZ says that Elin Woods actually spoke on the phone with Rache Uchitel after she grabbed the phone out of Tiger's hand, just before Tiger strode out of the house and wrecked the Escalade. According to TMZ, there is damage inside the Woods "vestibule."

TMZ says that Tiger and Rachel Uchitel talked on the telephone last night - Wednesday December 2nd.

Also saying that other women are coming out of the woodwork - and who knows if their stories are true.

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