
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tiger Woods Child Protective Services? Florida Children Families Visit Woods Home? DCF Tiger Woods: Woods Divorce?

Reports galore. One that the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), "escorted by police," allegedly went to the home of Tiger and Elin Woods yesterday (Saturday). Amid reports that Elin was taking Tiger to her home in Switzerland, and Tiger's own statement that he will withdraw from golf for awhile, another report surfaces that the couple will stay together through the Christmas holiday and then Elin is seeking a divorce. And how about Tiger's caddy, saying the golf prodigy "has a problem."12-13-09 update below - see link to Jamie Jungers and Tiger's father below.

Steve Williams and Tiger Woods

The reported fight between Tiger and his wife the night after Thanksgiving, leading up to Tiger crashing in more ways than one, precipitated the visit by the organization charged with the protection of children in the state of Florida. No one seems to really know what happened inside the Woods home, and the rumored incident of "domestic violence" is yet to be explained, but clearly, the police believe there is a basis for the rumor. has learned exclusively that a marked police car escorted an unmarked car to Tiger’s house around midday Saturday. Typically investigators from DCF would want to evaluate the safety of a home for children after a domestic violence incident.
The Woods' children are two-year-old Sam and 10-month-old Charlie.

We do not know if the DCF found the Woods at home, or if they gained entry to the Woods home:
Florida Highway Patrol initially investigated Woods’ car crash and the golfer refused to talk to them when they tried to schedule follow-up interviews. But refusing to talk to DCF when it is conducting an official investigation can lead to severe repercussions by state law.
A report that Elin Nordegren Woods wants to "appear normal" through the holidays are surfacing, but "will quickly separate," in the new year.

Tiger's longtime caddy, Steve Williams, said he knew nothing about Tiger's infidelities. He says he understands that Tiger has a problem and he says he has talked to Woods about it. Williams began talking when ESPN writer Rick Reilly suggested Tiger should "ditch" him and others around him:
"What people fail to realize is I [just] work for Tiger Woods," Williams said in the interview, where he attacked Reilly’s call for his job.

"I live in New Zealand, I travel to and from New Zealand to caddie for Tiger Woods. I am not with him 24/7. Whilst I am a very good friend of his... I don't know what he does off the course. Some nights we go to dinner. His indiscretions have probably been [when he wasn't playing].

"When he is not competing, I am back in New Zealand. I have no knowledge of what he is doing. “
Williams says he is a "straight-up person," and if he had knowledge of the trysts, he would admit it.

Of all these reports, the alleged visit by the DCF is the most shocking. Florida's track record on child protection is abysmal. A quick Internet search shows the many disturbing incidents when the Department has simply failed to protect. A Woods divorce, or at least a long separation, makes more sense to me than Elin rehabilitating her husband in Sweden. If I were Elin, and if the DCF felt it necessary to visit my home, I think I would take a golf club to him a second time.

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 Florida Department of Children and Families Visit Woods' Home?

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