

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Amy Bishop UAH Shooter Shot and Killed Brother 20 Years Ago: Was it an Accident? Maybe Not.

Molly Hennenberg at FOXNews just reported that Dr. Amy Bishop, the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) professor who allegedly killed three and wounded three of her colleagues, shot and killed her brother in Massachusetts when she was 20-years-old. Was it an accident? It depends on who you talk to.

Amy Bishop

The incident is believed to be an accident by some. She was "unloading a shotgun in the family home," in Massachusetts, and a shot killed Seth M. Bishop, 18.

From the Boston Globe:
The Boston Globe reported at the time that Amy Bishop had accidentally shot her 18-year-old brother, Seth M. Bishop, an accomplished violinist who had won a number of science awards, in Braintree.

Braintree Police Chief Paul Frazier confirmed today at a news conference that Amy Bishop had fatally shot her brother. But Frazier offered a different account of the shooting, saying Bishop had shot her brother during an argument and was being booked by police when the police chief at the time ordered the booking process stopped and Bishop released to her mother.
Frazier said he was basing his statements on the memories of one of his officers who was on the department at the time and had arrested Bishop. He said the records from the case have been missing since at least 1987.
Amy Bishop is the mother of four.

Related and Background:

Amy Bishop at Firing Range prior to UAH Shootings: Bishop in Therapy? 

Amy Bishop Suspect in Mail Pipe Bombing of Harvard Professor  

Bill Delahunt Releases Bishop? Bishop Points Gun at Passing Car

Amy Bishop Shot and Killed her Brother 20 years ago

Gopi Podila, Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson Murdered at UAH

Amy Bishop is Univ Alabama Shooter?

Others talking about Amy Bishop:
The Other McCain - Socialist Serial Killer Amy Bishop

Related and Background:
Amy Bishop Suspect in Mail Pipe Bombing of Harvard Professor 

Gopi Podila, Maria Ragland Davis and Adriel Johnson Murdered at UAH

Amy Bishop is Univ Alabama Shooter?

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