
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tiger Talks About Therapy and Golf Video

Tiger talks today, with small distractions like America battling Democrat health care, which passed tonight. He won't answer the question about how the accident happened. He is "so sorrowful" for what he has done. "I've hurt so many people." He says treatment/therapy was "tough." He got away from his Buddhism. He had quit meditating. He said he felt entitled, and had gotten away from his values. He says just because he is back on the golf course, doesn't mean he has stopped going to therapy, but he will not say what kind of therapy he is in. He is hoping for some smiles and claps from his fans at the Masters.

Tiger Woods

The low point: Just when I thought I couldn't get lower, I got lower. People I had to talk to and face, like my wife and my mom. Elin was hurt, shocked, angry. He can't believe he has done this to the people he loves.

Why did you get married: Because I loved her with everything I have. [Everything above is paraphrased and is not even close to everything in the video.] Source ESPN.

Tiger Talks about therapy and Golf (video)

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