

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Attended Islamic School in Houston

Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab, the Christmas Day Bomber, or Underwear Bomber, attended an Islamic school in Houston, Texas for two weeks in August 2008. The school had a satellite school in Detroit. In other news, a Nigerian official says Abdulmutallab purchased his ticket from a KLM office in Accra, Ghana - not Nigeria. See a video below.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

From the Los Angeles Times:
HOUSTON (AP) — The man accused of trying to bring down a Detroit-bound U.S. airliner on Christmas Day spent two weeks in Houston last year attending a seminar conducted by a Web-based Islamic education center.

Waleed Basyouni is the vice president of the AlMaghrib (ahl-MAHG'-rihb) Institute. He says Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (OO'-mahr fah-ROOK' ahb-DOOL'-moo-TAH'-lahb) registered online in April 2008, then attended a two-week program hosted by the institute in Houston in August 2008.

He says school records show Abdulmutallab identified himself as a 21-year-old Nigerian student at University College London and the London School of Economics who was studying mechanical engineering and business finance.

Basyouni says the institute is working with the authorities on the case.
From Zimbio.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (video)

Related and Background:
 Noteworthy News on Abdulmutallab: Eric Holder's Federal not Military Court

Gloria Borger grills John Brennan (video)

John Brennan Briefed about Yemen Bombs in Briefs last October 

 Travel Blog says Terrorists Plant Explosives Up their Anus!

Michael Leiter Sidesteps Christmas Day Bomb Attempt: Dennis blair's DNI CIA Turf War

 Obama's Pre-Christmas Security Briefing: Authorities Lie About Second Man Detained

 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attended Islamic school in Houston

 Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Abdulmutallab and al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Claims Christmas Day Attack

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - son of prominent Nigerian banker

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda threat is a Homeland Security Failure

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt. 253 Bomber - al-Qaeda failed in airline bomb attempt

Other Airline Terrorists:
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Wins: Terrorism and Jihad wins

Second Man Detained from NW Flt 253: Kurt Haskell Account Vindicated ?

Kurt Haskell and his wife were passengers on Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas Day. Kurt Haskell has a few stories to tell. The FBI is interested in Kurt and his stories, but their stories and Haskell's stories do not jive. Video below.

Kurt Haskell and Lori Haskell

According to Haskell, while waiting to board Northwest Flight 253, Kurt Haskell saw Abdulmutallab and a "smart dressed" Indian man at the flight desk. Haskell heard the "smart dressed" Indian man tell the person behind the desk that Abdulmutallab was a Sudanese refugee, had no passport and  needed to get on the flight." The desk attendant sent the two down the hall to a Manager's office. Haskell says the "smart dressed" man told the desk attendant "we do it all the time." That was the last Haskell saw of Abdulmutallab until the attempted bombing happened and the bomber was taken off of the aircraft.

After landing:

According to Haskell, everyone aboard 253 were detained with their carry-on luggage in an "evacuated luggage claim" area in the airport. Officials with bomb sniffing dogs arrived. The dogs hit on a bag belonging to a "30-ish Indian man." This Indian man was not the same man Haskell saw with the bomber inside the airport. Haskell calls this man "the man in orange." The man in orange was taken to another room by authorities. He was not handcuffed going into the room. He was handcuffed when he came out of the room.

Authorities then told the group they were being moved to another part of the terminal because "this area is not safe." Haskell said the entire time the passengers were detained (some 6 hours) no one but law enforcement was allowed into their area.

Here's the rest of the story:

After Kurt Haskell, an attorney in Michigan, told his story online about the bomber and the "smart dressed man" before boarding the plane, and the story of "the man in orange" being handcuffed and led away after deplaning, authorities refused to admit a second man was detained until about December 28th when FBI officials said "the man in orange," was simply a legitimate but "sick" businessman, and they deny [or have ignored] the story about the drug-sniffing dogs and the man taken away in handcuffs. At this time, the Dutch officials declare that Abdulmutallab had a valid Nigerian passport, despite the conversation Haskell says he overheard.
Here is a portion of a statement by Kurt Haskell:
The FBI has, since we landed, insisted that only one man was arrested for the airliner attack (contradicting my account). However, several of my fellow passengers have come over the past few days, backed up my claim, and put pressure on FBI/Customs to tell the truth. Early today, I heard from two different reporters that a federal agency (FBI or Customs) was now admitting that another man has been held (and will be held indefinitely) since our flight landed for "immigration reasons." Notice that this man was "being held" and not "arrested", which was a cute semantic ploy by the FBI to stretch the truth and not lie.

Just a question, could that mean that the man in orange had no passport?

However, a few hours later, Customs changed its story again. This time, Mr. Ron Smith of Customs, says the man that was detained "had been taken into custody, but today tells the news the person was a passenger on a different flight."
Delta spokeswoman Susan Elliott has said a man was "verbally disruptive" which caused flight crew to request law enforcement meet the aircraft upon landing.

However the FBI later released a statement saying the man was not a threat to the flight and was merely ill.  "The investigation shows that this was a non-serious incident and all is clear," the bureau said.
Haskell is asking the Dutch police to release the video of the "sharp dressed man," which they admit they have viewed.
Please note that there is a very easy way to verify the veracity of my prior "sharp dressed man" account. Dutch police have admitted that they have reviewed the video of the "sharp dressed man" that I referenced.

Note that it has not been released anywhere, You see, if my eye witness account is false, it could easily be proven by releasing the video. However, the proof of my eyewitness account would also be verified if I am telling the truth and I am.

There is a reason we have only heard of the video and not seen it. dutch authorities, "RELEASE THE VIDEO!"
Read Haskell's comments here. Listen to Haskell on The Alex Jones Show in the video below.

Kurt Haskell and Alex Jones Interview

Related and Background:
  Noteworthy News on Abdulmutallab: Eric Holder's Federal not Military Court

Gloria Borger grills John Brennan (video)

John Brennan Briefed about Yemen Bombs in Briefs last October 

 Travel Blog says Terrorists Plant Explosives Up their Anus!

Michael Leiter Sidesteps Christmas Day Bomb Attempt: Dennis blair's DNI CIA Turf War

 Obama's Pre-Christmas Security Briefing: Authorities Lie About Second Man Detained

 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attended Islamic school in Houston

 Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Abdulmutallab and al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Claims Christmas Day Attack

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - son of prominent Nigerian banker

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda threat is a Homeland Security Failure

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt. 253 Bomber - al-Qaeda failed in airline bomb attempt

Other Airline Terrorists:
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Wins: Terrorism and Jihad wins

Eight CIA Dead in Afghanistan Suicide Bombing

On the heels of the Christmas Day attempted bombing of NW 253, is the report that "a bomber slipped into a U.S. Base in eastern Afghaniston on Wednesday and detonated a suicide vest, killing eight CIA [career] officers..."


Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khowst province near the Pakistan border was the site of the attack.
A U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the CIA had a major presence at the base, in part because of its strategic location.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack in a message posted early today on its Pashto-language website. The statement, attributed to spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid, said the attacker was a member of the Afghan army who entered the base clad in his military uniform. It identified him only as Samiullah.

The casualties highlight the CIA's increasingly important role in Afghanistan, and come as the United States is embarking on a major buildup of its civilian workforce that parallels an increase in troop strength.
 A Wall Street Journal article says the agency's Base Chief, a mother of three, was among the dead. An additional six were wounded. The deaths mark the deadliest day in the history of the CIA, and the first time a suicide bomber has struck inside a U.S. facility in Afghanistan. No military is reported among the casualties.

The bombing took place a fitness center at Chapman. The names of the officers have not yet been released.
"It's a forward operating base in a dicey area, but to get a suicide bomber inside the wires -- it's hard to understand how that could happen," the former official said.
Certainly this is the same feeling we all had about the Fort Hood murders and the Christmas Day bomber [underwear bomber]. Someone isn't paying attention.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Drunken Lying Slob

That is the only way to describe it. Senator Max Baucus's (D-MT) bizarre Senate floor speech of last Wednesday, December 23rd, caps off months of unprecedented, corrupt, dishonest and duplicitous behavior from virtually the entire Senate and House Democrat caucuses, culminating in a shocking violation of Senate rules to ram through almost certainly unconstitutional "healthcare" legislation on Christmas eve. More...

Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was already known as "The Nigerian" and already suspected of meeting with "terrorist elements" in Yemen at the time of his failed bombing attempt of NW Flight 253. By August 2009, the CIA knew about "The Nigerian." The CIA did not know "The Nigerian's" name was Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. And they did not put the two together when the father went to the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria and met with a CIA agent in November 2009. Who was responsible for connecting the dots? From documents found online, it appears the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) is responsible for gathering and disseminating information to the No-Fly List.

Michael Leiter

The CIA forwarded the information to the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). The connection was still not made. What does the NCTC do? Here are two pull-out quotes, more below:
...the Director of NCTC is responsible for providing strategic CT plans and for effectively integrating CT intelligence and operations across agency boundaries, both inside and outside the US.  
The primary source for all information relating to international terrorist identities in the TSDB is the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) ...The NCTC, “serve[s] as the primary organization in the United States Government for analyzing and integrating all intelligence possessed or acquired by the United States Government pertaining to terrorism and counterterrorism,...
As we learned during the 9-11 Commission hearings, Jaime Gorlick's "Wall of Separation," specifically built to keep the intelligence community from sharing information, enabled the 9-11 bombers. How high and at what depth is today's Wall of Separation? The Wall still stands. Here is a statement from the Vice-Chairman of the 9/11 Commission, Lee Hamilton, about the Christmas Day bombing:
"We must get better at collecting these bits of information, putting them together at a central point, analyzing them and then acting," said Lee Hamilton, the vice-chair of the 9/11 Commission. 

"We're sharing information better than we did prior to 9/11, but this incident surely illustrates we've got a long ways to go," Hamilton said
CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano said after the meeting with the father in November, they worked with the U.S. Embassy to get Abdulmutallab's name into the "government's terrorist database:"
We also forwarded key biographical information about him to the National Counterterrorism Center. This agency, like others in our government, is reviewing all data to which it had access - not just what we ourselves may have collected - to determine if more could have been done to stop Abdulmutallab."
Yet, Abdulmutallab's name didn't make it to the No-Fly List. Clearly, someone was not paying attention. Michael E. Leiter's National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) did...what?...nothing? Leiter is the Director of NCTC and the following are a few comments from his testimony to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in September 2009:
Despite our counterterrorism (CT) progress, al-Qa‘ida and its affiliates and allies remain resilient and adaptive enemies intent on attacking US and Western interests—with al-Qa‘ida’s core in Pakistan representing the most dangerous component of the larger al-Qa‘ida network.  We assess that this core is actively engaged in operational plotting and continues recruiting, training, and transporting operatives, to include individuals from Western Europe and North America. ...
The NCTC evolved from legislation creating "a civilian-led unified joint command" for counterterrorism. Is it nothing more than another entity which decided to do nothing?
For the first time, an organization outside the Executive Office of the President was given the responsibility for government-wide coordination of planning and integration of department and agency actions involving “all elements of national power,” including “diplomatic, financial, military, intelligence, Homeland security, and law enforcement activities within and among agencies.”
Pursuant to this authority, the Director of NCTC is responsible for providing strategic CT plans and for effectively integrating CT intelligence and operations across agency boundaries, both inside and outside the US. 
Our CIA and FBI works under a President, a State Department and a Homeland Security Secretary that believes there is no war on terror, believes there are no foreign enemy combatants and believes there is no terrorism. Who places a name on the "No-Fly" list, or the "selectee" list, which alerts airline officials of the need for further, and deeper, examination of the person? Is it the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), the CIA, the State Department, Homeland Security, or all of the above? Since "the government" administers the list, is the civilian NCTC involved at all? Apparently so, and apparently the NCTC is directly responsible for the list. The following is from a declassified Homeland Security document dated July 2009, page 9:
The primary source for all information relating to international terrorist identities in the TSDB is the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) ...The NCTC, “serve[s] as the primary organization in the United States Government for analyzing and integrating all intelligence possessed or acquired by the United States Government pertaining to terrorism and counterterrorism, excepting intelligence pertaining exclusively to domestic terrorists and domestic counterterrorism.”...
This information is provided to the NCTC through nominations of individuals made by federal agencies, often with the explicit intent for the record to then be exported to the TSDB [Terrorism Screening Datebase] for watch-listing.
So how many martini lunches and conferences to exotic locations were expensed by the NCTC?

President Obama referred to the attack on NW Flight 253 as an "alleged" attack. He wasn't specifically talking about the would-be-bomber - he was talking about the attack itself. It is possible to misidentify the bomber and refer to him as allegedly "Abdulmutallab," but, please, not the attack itself. He characterized the "alleged" attack as the work of an isolated extremist, after al-Qaeda in the Saudia Arabian peninsula had already taken credit for Abdulmutallab's actions - and yet he was already known as "The Nigerian," not "a Nigerian," but specifically "The Nigerian." His Director of National Counterterrorism knew Abdulmutallab's name, and so knew that he was connected to Yemen - yet refererred to him as an "isolated extremist." Knowing all this, at no time did he mention "jihad," "Islam," "Muslims,"  or radicals."

In Obama' second statement about the attack, the President said there were failures with our intelligence community in piecing the known information together, and then distributing that information. He said it was an unacceptable "systemic failure."  Abdulmutallab allegedly paid cash for his ticket and had no luggage; the CIA and the NCTC knew about him. At the simplest level, an airline accepted his cash, and checked no luggage, yet he was not tagged for a full pat down. Still yet, the President has not said the words "jihad," "radical Islam," or "Muslim."

If you are interested in additional information on Michael Leiter and the NCTC, the following are snippets from their "implementation plan:"
[Four Pillars]
1) protect and defend against terrorists;

2) attack their capacity to operate;

3) work diligently to undermine the spread of violent extremism and retard radicalization around the world; and

4) prevent terrorists from utilizing WMD. ...
On the domestic front, NCTC enables, informs and supports federal, state and local government efforts to engage with communities across our country.  Central to this effort is NCTC’s leadership of an interagency group to coordinate engagement projects and activities conducted by the FBI, DHS, State, Justice, Treasury and others.  In particular, NCTC has worked diligently through this group with its partner agencies to enhance the level of engagement between the US.
According to The NCTC, they are partners with the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Department of State, The Department of the Treasury, the departments of Energy, Health and Human Services, and Agriculture, as well as the U.S. Capitol Police, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency - and "foreign partners."
The Center provides a unique environment to optimize the USG's collective knowledge and formidable capabilities to identify and counter the terrorist threat to the nation.
What happened to the "formidable capabilities" of the NCTC in the Christmas Day attack?
Read NCTC Transcript   View Michael Leiter Video P.S. just listening to Catherine Herridge on FOXNews and the NCTC is spinning at warp speed.

Related and background:
 Noteworthy News on Abdulmutallab: Eric Holder's Federal not Military Court

Gloria Borger grills John Brennan (video)

John Brennan Briefed about Yemen Bombs in Briefs last October 

 Travel Blog says Terrorists Plant Explosives Up their Anus!

Michael Leiter Sidesteps Christmas Day Bomb Attempt: Dennis blair's DNI CIA Turf War

 Obama's Pre-Christmas Security Briefing: Authorities Lie About Second Man Detained

 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attended Islamic school in Houston

 Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Abdulmutallab and al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Claims Christmas Day Attack

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - son of prominent Nigerian banker

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda threat is a Homeland Security Failure

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt. 253 Bomber - al-Qaeda failed in airline bomb attempt

Other Airline Terrorists:
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Wins: Terrorism and Jihad wins

Monday, December 28, 2009

Abdulmutallab Al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Saudia al-Qaeda Claims Christmas Day Attack

Just crossing the news wires and announced at FOXNews: al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia is claiming responsibility for Abdulmutallab's Christmas Day attack on Northwest Flight 253. More as available.

Related and Background:
 Noteworthy News on Abdulmutallab: Eric Holder's Federal not Military Court

Gloria Borger grills John Brennan (video)

John Brennan Briefed about Yemen Bombs in Briefs last October 

 Travel Blog says Terrorists Plant Explosives Up their Anus!

Michael Leiter Sidesteps Christmas Day Bomb Attempt: Dennis blair's DNI CIA Turf War

 Obama's Pre-Christmas Security Briefing: Authorities Lie About Second Man Detained

 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attended Islamic school in Houston

 Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Abdulmutallab and al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Claims Christmas Day Attack

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - son of prominent Nigerian banker

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda threat is a Homeland Security Failure

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt. 253 Bomber - al-Qaeda failed in airline bomb attempt

Other Airline Terrorists:
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Wins: Terrorism and Jihad wins

JFK Naked Women on Boat? Senator John F. Kennedy Naked Women Cruise?

TMZ says experts say the photo below is not photoshopped. It appears to show John F. Kennedy (JFK) pre-Oval Office, perhaps while a U.S. Senator with a pregnant wife, relaxing on a yacht...naked beauties sunning above him, others jumping sans-bathing suit into the water. Is it real?

John F. Kennedy Photograph, JFK picture 
JFK with Naked Women on Boat?

There are numerous articles and books on President John F. Kennedy which mention a 2-week, Mediterranean boating trip that JFK -- then a Senator -- took in August, 1956, with his brother Ted Kennedy and Senator George Smathers. The trio reportedly entertained a number of women on the yacht. Jackie Kennedy was pregnant at the time and was rushed to the hospital while JFK was on the boat. Doctors performed an emergency C-section, but the infant was stillborn.

Forensic analyst Sedlik superimposed an image of Kennedy taken at the Democratic National Convention in August 1956, just days before Kennedy went on the Mediterranean cruise. Sedlik says the features from the two pics almost precisely sync up. TMZ has also had two Kennedy biographers examine the photo -- they also believe JFK is in the picture.
Read the entire story and view the photo in high-resolution at TMZ.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Percy Sutton Khalid al-Mansour: Percy Sutton Dies, Named al-Mansour aka Don Warden as Obama Harvard Law fundraiser

Remember the story quickly quashed by media, when elderly Percy Sutton said he assisted Khalid al-Mansour in getting Barack Obama into Harvard Law? Two years later, Percy Sutton, age 89, has died. So, what is so controversial about al-Mansour helping a young student, and specifically the future President of the USA? See a video below.

Percy Sutton

New evidence has emerged that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was closely associated as early as age 25 to a key adviser to a Saudi billionaire who had mentored the founding members of the Black Panthers.

Khalid al-Mansour aka Don Warden
Al-Monsour has direct ties to the Saudi royal family. He is an adviser to Prince Alwaleed, an enormously wealthy man - at one time, and perhaps still, one of the 14 wealthiest men on the planet. Al-Mansour is the man who offered New York City $10 million to help rebuild downtown Manhattan, then ciritcized the U.S. saying we had contributed to the 9-11 attacks. Then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani refused to take his money.

The question is, what did Barack Obama accept from the Saudi's? Percy Sutton gave a few hints, and quickly, a spokesman said Mr. Sutton misspoke. The msm refused to talk about it.

When Percy Sutton was 87-years-old, he told a New York cable news channel that Dr. Khalid al-Mansour helped fund Barack Obama's Harvard Law School days. Sutton, the former attorney for Malcolm X, a former borough president of Manhattan, and the founder of Inner City Broadcasting said al-Mansour asked him to support Obama's Harvard Law application:
“He wrote to me about him,” Sutton recalled. “And his introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”

Sutton said he acted on his friend al-Mansour’s advice.

“I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly,” Sutton told NY1.
Khalid al-Mansour is a Texas native. His full Muslim name is Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, his American alias is Don Warden. He is said to be a Black nationalist and an outspoken enemy of Israel.
A graduate of Howard University with a law degree from the University of California, al-Mansour sits on numerous corporate boards, including the Saudi African Bank and Chicago-based LaGray Chemical Co. LaGray, which was formed to do business in Africa, counts former Nigerian President General Abdusalam Abubakar on its advisory board.

He also sits on the board of the non-profit African Leadership Academy, along with top McCain for President adviser Carly Fiorina, and organized a tribute to the President of Ghana at the Clinton White House in 1995, along with pop star Michael Jackson.

But his writings and books are packed with anti-American rhetoric reminiscent of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s disgraced former pastor.

In a 1995 book, “The Lost Books of Africa Rediscovered,” he alleged that the United States was plotting genocide against black Americans....
According to the Social Activism Project at the University of California at Berkley, Warden, a.k.a. Khalid al-Mansour, was the mentor of Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his cohort, Bobby Seale.
Read more about al-Mansour at Discover the Networks.

Percy Sutton on Khalid al-Mansour and Barack Obama (video)

U.S. Airways Flt 192 Middle Eastern Men Disrupt Flight from Orlando to Phoenix

U.S. Airways Flight 192 experienced two Middle Eastern men talking loudly to each other with one leaving his seat during while the seat belt sign was still on. Passengers thought their behavior strange and the flight crew called for TSA officials and police to meet the plane's arrival. The men were questioned and released and allowed to travel on to California.
Update: Another thought is former CIA, Michael Schueur's warning that an event, just like this one, may be used to "clog" the intelligence pipeline. See links to that discussion below.

Friends, we are hostages to this behavior. These men knew what they were doing. U.S. Airways probably has another lawsuit coming their way. Passengers were undoubtedly unnerved. I would like to know if these two jerks are American citizens. All Middle Easterners that are not U.S. citizens should not be allowed to fly inside the U.S. Oh yes, we can do it. We just need the will to make it happen.

Clogging the Intelligence Pipeline

Is this what America is facing? Will there be lawsuits filed against numerous airlines for taking disruptive Muslims off of flights? As Larwyn (with some of my thoughts woven in) says: "Pregnant/and/or/Pious Females in Burkas...Religious Conferences couched as vacations, transgendered Arabs looking for a way to 72 virgins through their underpants...is this the new normal?
Other recent airline "events:"
Muhammad Abu Tahir is AirTran Flight 39 Passenger Threw Shoes 

AirTran Flight 297 - Muslim Men Disrupt - Disturbing Ride for Passengers lawsuit alert

AirTran Flight 175 Muslim Family Removed - lawsuit alert

Mansor Mohammad Asad - Delta Disrupter. Son Blames it on other passengers

Yahoo News: Patronizing Black People?

The elites treat us all as if we were children – or even worse, just a headline away from incitement to racial violence. I was reading another Associated Press article slamming the state of Israel for defending itself from the death culture brewing in the Palestinian territories when I noticed in the right sidebar a comment link to an article about the Nigerian terrorist who tried to blow up an airliner full of innocents on Christmas day:

Now why would Yahoo News decide not to spell out the word ‘nigerian’ in the title of the article? One thinks instantly that they couldn’t bring themselves to string together the letters that comes perilously close to sounding out the ‘N’ word: n-i-g-e-r, since doing so might open them up to charges by the unschooled or the race hustling of racial insensitivity or deep-seeded racial animus. Of course we all know that the term they’re alluding to is Nigerian. But is it? The noun is not capitalized, and assuming that the temp they have working on their site has a rudimentary grasp of grammar, this must be on purpose, no? What gives?

We may never know how deep the cowardice of our main stream media goes, but one thing is for sure: if the laws of political correctness begin where the uneducated are offended by words a letter shy of outrage, then Americans will never get around to having that national conversation on race, and the nation of Nigeria will remain a mystery to every American student (and a huge segment of the adult population).


Maybe Eric Holder was right.

Tom Coburn says Health Care Bill is Corruption, not Compromise

Senators Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe are big sticky thorns in the side of the TulsaWorld. This week, both senators blasted Obama's health care bill in strong statements that surely had World editors holding their noses as the paper went to print.

Tom Coburn

Coburn's message got right to the heart of the legislation:
"This vote is indeed historic," Coburn said in a prepared statement. "This Congress will be remembered for its arrogance, corruption and stupidity."

In the year of 2009, a Congress ignored the coming economic storm and impending bankruptcy of our entitlement programs and embarked on an ideological crusade to bring our nation as close to single-payer, government-run health care as possible.
If this bill becomes law, future operations will rue this day and I will do everything in my power to work toward its repeal. This bill will ration care, cut Medicare, increase premiums, fund abortion and bury our children in debt."
"Arrogance, corruption and stupidity..." All that and more. Well-said Senator Coburn.

Senator Inhofe, in the beginning, believed any version of health care coming out of the Harry Reid Senate would be dead-on-arrival. This Senate old-timer underestimated his colleagues' lack of ethics, he didn't see the big "buy off" coming toward the already ethics-challenged Senate body, he didn't realize how deeply Democrats had fallen into the abyss of slime politics.

Inhofe knows it now, and the following has been his position from the beginning of viewing the legislation:
"I am adamantly opposed to this $2.5 trillion government run health care system with its half a trillion dollar increase in taxes on Americans and nearly half a trillion dollars in cuts to Medicare to help pay for it," Inhofe said in a statement released on his Web site. "I am also opposed to the public financing of abortion this bill allows.

"At a time when Senators and staff should be spending time with family celebrating the joys of Christmas, the Democrats are so committed to the idea of socialized medicine that they will stop at nothing to get it -- even though the majority of Americans do not want it. To make matters worse, special deals were cut for certain states in order to buy votes."

I encourage Senator Inhofe to adopt the words of Coburn - "corruption," and "stupidity," and if he believes them, say them. We need even stronger language out of Inhofe, and we know him to be more than capable of painting a visual with just a few words.

I appreciate both of these Senators who have fought hard to kill this legislation. Neither of these senators shoot from the hip. They know the legislation well and they do their homework. We need more like them.

Between now and the mid-term elections we will do well to focus on the word "corruption," and those who specifically voted to corrupt our legislative process. The message is to make payback hell for Harry Reid.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Bethlehem Christmas Story Destroyed by Israel?

I guess I haven't been paying attention the past few years. I didn't know that Israel has destroyed life for Christians in the town of Bethlehem to the point that Christians have left in a "massive flight."

Bethlehem - Manger Square

WorldNetDaily has this story, and I found it via AmerIsrael. According to WND's Aaron Klein, Reuters, the GuardianUK and others, are in the habit of reporting, each year at this time, the terrible treatment of Christians by Jews in Bethlehem. If you do not have time to read the portions below, or time to go directly to WND to read the entire piece, read the three paragraphs in bold text below, and you will get the idea.
TEL AVIV – Like clockwork, every year at this time reporters file misleading and, in some cases, outright false reports about the state of Christmas in Bethlehem [blaming Israel for the demise of the Christian population]. 

They claim Israeli policies have wreaked havoc on the city's economy and that Israel is responsible for the massive flight of Christians from Bethlehem. Yet the news media completely ignore Muslim intimidation and get their facts wrong on documented history and the true state of affairs in this ancient town.

A widely circulated Reuters article, for example, laments "Christmas cheer hasn't spread to all of Bethlehem's residents," squarely blaming "an Israeli wall" for the town's misfortunes. Britains' Press and Journal also paints a dismal picture of Bethlehem, claiming the city is "divided by a huge wall" and that the "26ft-high security wall completes the isolation of Bethlehem and prevents it from ever expanding." The piece also wrongly states that about 2 percent of Bethlehem's population is Christian.

An opinion piece by Austen Ivereigh in the London Guardian, meanwhile, also claims Bethlehem is "shuttered and depressed" by an "Israeli separation wall."

"I don't just mean the structure itself – 30 feet high, bristling with watchtowers and formed of grey concrete slabs – but where it is built, deep into the town itself, far into the West Bank, severing Bethlehem from Jerusalem and ensuring the relentless expansion eastwards of Jewish-only settlements built on land seized from Palestinian farmers," the Guardian piece claims. Regarding the "wall" that "surrounds" Bethlehem: Israel built a fence in 2002 in the area where northern Bethlehem interfaces with Jerusalem. A tiny segment of the barrier, facing a major Israeli roadway, is a concrete wall that Israel says is meant to prevent gunmen from shooting at Israeli motorists....

Amazingly, Ivereigh's piece in the Guardian falsely claimed: "Bethlehem is shuttered and depressed not because of Koran-wielding thugs but because the wall has smashed its economy. The town has become a ghetto, severed from lands to the north and west by the wall, and to the south and east by settler-only roads and a forest of checkpoints, leaving it barely able to trade."
Simple demographic facts disprove this contention entirely. Israel built the barrier seven years ago. But Bethlehem's Christian population started to drastically decline in 1995, the very year Arafat's Palestinian Authority took over the holy Christian city in line with the U.S.-backed Oslo Accords.
Bethlehem was more than 80 percent Christian when Israel was founded in 1948. But after Arafat took control, the city's Christian population plummeted to its current 23 percent. And that statistic is considered generous since it includes the satellite towns of Beit Sahour and Beit Jala. Some estimates place Bethlehem's actual Christian population as low as 12 percent, with hundreds of Christians emigrating each year.
As soon as he took over Bethlehem, Arafat unilaterally fired the city's Christian politicians and replaced them with Muslim cronies. He appointed a Muslim governor, Muhammed Rashad A-Jabar, and deposed of Bethlehem's city council, which had nine Christians and two Muslims, reducing the number of Christians councilors to a 50-50 split.
Arafat then converted a Greek Orthodox monastery next to the Church of Nativity, the believed birthplace of Jesus, into his official Bethlehem residence.
Suddenly, after the Palestinians gained the territory, reports of Christian intimidation by Muslims began to surface.

Christian leaders and residents told this reporter they face an atmosphere of regular hostility. They said Palestinian armed groups stir tension by holding militant demonstrations and marches in the streets. They spokes of instances in which Christian shopkeepers' stores were ransacked and Christian homes attacked. 

They said in the past, Palestinian gunmen fired at Israelis from Christian hilltop communities, drawing Israeli anti-terror raids to their towns.

In 2002, dozens of terrorists holed up inside the Church of the Nativity for 39 days while fleeing a massive Israeli anti-terror operation. Israel surrounded the church area but refused to storm the structure....

Some Christian leaders said one of the most significant problems facing Christians in Bethlehem is the rampant confiscation of land by Muslim gangs.

One religious novelty store owner recently told WND that Muslim gangs regularly deface Christian property.

"We are harassed, but you wouldn't know the truth. No one says anything publicly about the Muslims. This is why Christians are running away."
 The City of the birth of Christ, the birth of King David, and the tomb of Rachel is under Palestinian governance, and has a Muslim majority population.

In 2007 the city had approximately 25,000 residents with Christians making up 20% of the citizenry. With life made difficult for Christians, and the fact that Christians propagate at a much slower rate than Muslims, the Christian presence in Bethlehem is dwindling.

Read about Christmas observances by Christians in Bethlehem here and about the Church of the Nativity and the birthplace of Christ here.

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is Abdul Mudallad: Abdulmutallab Son of Prominent Nigerian Banker?

Jaspar Schuringa climbed over the passenger next to him and helped the cabin crew bring down Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Abdul Mudallad) aboard Northwest Airline flight 253, and we know now that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is the bomber first identified as Abdul Mutallad. See two videos below. See Update 12-27-09 below.

Jaspar Schuringa

Mr. Schuringa is reportedly a Dutch video director. Here's what he saw:
...he heard a loud bang that sounded like a firecracker going off at which point somebody started shouting: 'Fire! Fire!'
He then noticed smoke coming from Abdulmutallab's seat, although the suspect remained still.

Mr Schuringa claimed he then jumped over the passenger sitting next to him and lunged over Abdulmutallab's seat, at which point he saw the Nigerian had his trousers down with a burning object between his legs.

'I pulled the object from him and tried to extinguish the fire with my hands and threw it away,' Mr Schuringa said. 'My hands are pretty burned. I am fine.'
Abdulmutallab seemed dazed, he said. Mr Schuringa then ripped off items of the suspect's clothing to make sure no more devices were strapped to his body before a crew member handcuffed him.
The other passengers then burst into applause, Mr Schuringa said.

Photo of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, courtesy of Reuters (an undated photo)
Video courtesy of TheDailyMail
Photo of Jaspar Schuringa courtesy of CNN

Update 12-27-09:
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Abdul Matallad) was officially charged with trying to blow up the Northwest airliner on Christmas Day - placing a destructive device on Flight 253.

The video below reports that a wall of the plane was on fire.

The egregious Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano believes this attempted bombing has no connection to a wider plan of attacks on the U.S.  - displaying here long-held belief that accusations of terrorism are offensive to the worldview.

Abdulmutallab's father, Umaru Mutallab, says he reported his son to the American Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria because he feared his son had been radicalized.

Abdulmutallab - Northwest Flight 253 Bomber

Related and Background:
 Noteworthy News on Abdulmutallab: Eric Holder's Federal not Military Court

Gloria Borger grills John Brennan (video)

John Brennan Briefed about Yemen Bombs in Briefs last October 

 Travel Blog says Terrorists Plant Explosives Up their Anus!

Michael Leiter Sidesteps Christmas Day Bomb Attempt: Dennis blair's DNI CIA Turf War

 Obama's Pre-Christmas Security Briefing: Authorities Lie About Second Man Detained

 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attended Islamic school in Houston

 Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Abdulmutallab and al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Claims Christmas Day Attack

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - son of prominent Nigerian banker

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda threat is a Homeland Security Failure

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt. 253 Bomber - al-Qaeda failed in airline bomb attempt

Other Airline Terrorists:
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Wins: Terrorism and Jihad wins

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda Threat is Homeland Security Failure

The Christmas Day bomber, Abdu Mudallad's failed attack on Northwest's Flight 253, makes us thankful that his plot was foiled by alert passengers, but shows that security in the U.S. is also a failure at critical times. Abdul Mudallad was known to be a threat, with possible al-Qaeda ties, for at least two years, was on a federal "watch list" but not on the "no-fly list." Would anything have made a difference? Mudallad boarded the flight in Amsterdam with explosives strapped to his leg. See Update 12-27-09 below.

I can't get through airport security if the jewelry in my purse is wrapped in a dark velvet bag. How was this man allowed to board, and what is going on in the city of Amsterdam - a city with at least a population of 13% Muslims and the home to one of the most radical mosques in the country, Tawheed mosque, in the the Old-West section of the city?

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Abdul Mudallad)

 In 2006, the Netherlands' Minister of Justice suggested that Islamic Shari'a law be constitutionally adopted in the country, and a poll in the same year found that 68% of the citizens felt threatened by "immigrant or Muslim young people." Almost as many feared a terrorist attack by Muslims and a very astute 47% believed that if some action was not taken, they would eventually have to live according to Islamic rule in the Netherlands. Obviously the Justice Minister's idea of a good proposal for life in the Netherlands was shouted down.

After the 2004 murder of Theo van Gogh the country conducted an inquiry into the radicalization of young Muslims. The usual findings surfaced: a feeling of alienation, disconnectedness with their first-generation immigrant parents and no shared feeling of patriotism for their own country was prevalent. Obviously, immigrant parents do a miserable job of helping their child integrate, and feel gratitude for the liberty their friends and relatives are denied in Islamic lands, and in many cases, we have seen parents who push their children into jihadist fervor - I'm just guessing, but probably to alleviate their own guilt for living among the democratic. Having said that, there are rumors that Mutallad's father's report him to U.S. authorities six months ago!!! More on that as available.

Had the bomber been successful in blowing the plane in it's descent, imagine the catastrophe. While the loss of 298 passengers would have been horrific, think of the catapulting, flame engulfed monstrosity barreling into the Detroit airport, or into nearby neighborhoods or both. Think of the flying debris raining down onto highways. If, within a city like Amsterdam, we cannot be assured that explosives will be absent the leg of any traveler, what are we to do? This man, Abdul Mudallad, was granted a U.S. visa in June 2008, good through June 12th of 2010. The world is in a mess because we refuse to face our future.
Photo of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, courtesy of Reuters (an undated photo)

Update 12-27-09:
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Abdul Matallad) was officially charged with trying to blow up the Northwest airliner on Christmas Day - placing a destructive device on Flight 253.

The video below reports that a wall of the plane was on fire.

The egregious Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano believes this attempted bombing has no connection to a wider plan of attacks on the U.S.  - displaying here long-held belief that accusations of terrorism are offensive to the worldview.

Abdulmutallab's father, Umaru Mutallab, says he reported his son to the American Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria because he feared his son had been radicalized.

Abdulmutallab - Northwest Flight 253 Bomber

For details on the attempted bombing, read:
 Noteworthy News on Abdulmutallab: Eric Holder's Federal not Military Court

Gloria Borger grills John Brennan (video)

John Brennan Briefed about Yemen Bombs in Briefs last October 

 Travel Blog says Terrorists Plant Explosives Up their Anus!

Michael Leiter Sidesteps Christmas Day Bomb Attempt: Dennis blair's DNI CIA Turf War

 Obama's Pre-Christmas Security Briefing: Authorities Lie About Second Man Detained

 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attended Islamic school in Houston

 Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Abdulmutallab and al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Claims Christmas Day Attack

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - son of prominent Nigerian banker

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda threat is a Homeland Security Failure

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt. 253 Bomber - al-Qaeda failed in airline bomb attempt

Other Airline Terrorists:
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Wins: Terrorism and Jihad wins

William M. Daley Democrat Big Tent: WM Daley Warns Democrats

One thing we can be absolutely certain of is that William M. Daley's advice to make the Democrat Big Tent bigger will not happen. Daley is warning Democrats that "electoral disaster" is on the horizon if they don't change their hard left stance.

William M. Daley

Daley, was former U.S. Secretary of Commerce under Bill Clinton, and the former chairman of Al Gore's 2000 presidential bid. He cites the polls - "the drumbeat of ominous poll results," Alabama congressman, Parker Griffith's decision to move across the aisle and join the Republican party, along with other moderate Democrats who have decided not to run for re-election.
All that is required for the Democratic Party to recover its political footing is to acknowledge that the agenda of the party's most liberal supporters has not won the support of a majority of Americans -- and, based on that recognition, to steer a more moderate course on the key issues of the day, from health care to the economy to the environment to Afghanistan...
In the meantime, liberals -- and, indeed, all of us -- should have the humility to recognize that there is no monopoly on good ideas, as well as the long-term perspective to know that intraparty warfare will only relegate the Democrats to minority status, which would be disastrous for the very constituents they seek to represent.
The party's moment of choosing is drawing close. While it may be too late to avoid some losses in 2010, it is not too late to avoid the kind of rout that redraws the political map. The leaders of the Democratic Party need to move back toward the center -- and in doing so, set the stage for the many years' worth of leadership necessary to produce the sort of pragmatic change the American people actually want. 
Mr. Daley should call for the removal of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid if he is serious about changing the party for the good of the American citizenry. It cannot be done until these two moonbats are relieved of their oligarchy.

Tiger Woods Decoy Yacht? Tiger and Rachel Uchitel Together NOW? Tiger Woods Arizona Rehab? Earl Woods Infidelities?

There are many reports that Tiger Woods and mistress No. 1 or 2, depending on how and when you began keeping score, are a definite duo - in love and all that goes with it - NOW, RIGHT NOW! No mention of Elin or her whereabouts, but many mentions of Tiger Woods and Rachel Uchitel. Other reports say Tiger is headed for rehab in Wickenburg, Arizona, and that his father, Earl Woods' many infidelities left the son traumatized.

Tiger Woods

Uchitel, who lives in New York, is said to be in Florida, but of course, her visit has nothing to do with Tiger - she is just visiting family. And she owns a beach home some reports say.

You'll recall that Tiger's private yacht, Privacy, had a lot of activity in it's North Palm Beach berth. Rumors were that Tiger and Elin were off to a private beach to get on with the healing and repairing of their marriage. Well, perhaps that wasn't a plan, so until recently, the Privacy was just another mystery - and perhaps remains so.

LALATE reports that Privacy is a pretender, and Tiger is actually stashed in a decoy yacht,  even more private than the Privacy - and just 500 feet from Rachel Uchitel's vacation home in Palm Beach. LALATE asks, "so where is Tiger?
“In Touch can exclusively reveal that he’s still secretly having [relations] with his mistress, New York partypromoter Rachel Uchitel. “They have been sleeping together the entire time since the scandal broke,” her friend says. They hooked up in a condo she’s been staying at in Palm Beach.”

So how does this alleged decoy yacht reportedly work?
“But the golfsuperstar isn’t actually staying on Privacy, the friend reveals — he’s been holed up in another decoy boat nearby. “Rachel’s condo is 500 feet from where Tiger’s boat is docked. He has been visiting her there.”
The UK's DailyMail says Tiger was traumatized by his dad's "many affairs."
The golfer was said to have been 'devastated' when he learned that his father, Earl, was unfaithful to his mother, Tida.

'He would just call crying and say, "My dad is with another woman",' said Woods' first girlfriend, Dina Parr, 34, who dated him in secondary school. He would be so upset, so I just tried to be there for him.'
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Meanwhile Woods, 33, was reportedly planning to go into rehab in Arizona in the New Year for treatment for 'sexual compulsion' and his use of Vicodin painkillers and Ambien sleeping pills.

Discussing her relationship with Woods yesterday, his school sweetheart Dina Parr told the E! entertainment show that the golfer loved his father.

But she said of his infidelities: 'I know that was the one thing about his dad that he could never get over.

Related and Background:
Tiger in Sex Rehab Cleaning Up His Image? Tiger in Capt Town or Arizona? 

Elin Nordegren Woods Puma? Elin Woods Puma Endorser? Elin Woods Wedding Ring Gone?

Tiger Woods Julie Postle? Julie Purple and Tiger? Another Tiger Trashy Lady?

Tiger Woods and Dr. Anthony Galea: Human Growth Hormone Scandal? 

Elin Woods Moves to Little House with Babies: Tiger Gets the Big House

Jamie Jungers Tiger Woods Together when Tiger's Dad Died

 Florida Department of Children and Families Visit Woods' Home?

See new video of Holly Sampson talking to a reporter about Tiger Woods 12-13-09 

Tiger Woods Loredana Jolie: Tigers Threesomes? Tiger to Quit Golf? Woods Readies Yacht for GetAway?

Tiger Woods Tag Heuer Drops Tiger: Madam Michelle Braun and Tiger Woods Prostitutes?
nbsp;Tiger Woods Nude Photos? Tiger Woods San Clothes: Playgirl Nude Tiger Photos?

Breaking: Tiger Woods Joslyn James? Tiger's Porn Star No. 2? Rachel Uchitel Tiger's Pimp?

Tiger Woods Holly Sampson No. 7? Tiger's Possibly 11 Mistresses? Oprah Phones Tiger? 

Rachel Uchitel Miffed - Mistressed Miffed about Girlfriends  

Elin Moves to House No. 2? Elin Woods Leaves Tiger?

Tiger's Mistresses - No. 4, 5 and 6: Jamie Jungers? Mindy Lawton? Cori Rist? 

Byron Bell is Tiger Woods Childhood Friend: Bell Covers for Tiger and Rachel Uchitel 

Neighbor Says Tiger Woods Snored: Jarius Adams is Tiger Woods Neighbor

Tiger Woods Windermere House No. 2? 

Tiger Woods Triple Bogey? Rachel Uchitel Talks? Uchitel, Grubbs and Moquin?

Jesper Parnevik advice to Elin Woods - next time use a driver

TigerTransgressions: Tiger Woods 3 Years Unfaithful?

Tiger Woods Domestic Violence Warrant?

Tiger Woods Accident 

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mary Landrieu Can't Be Bought: Louisiana, Katrina, Army Corps of Engineers and Federal Dollars

Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu (D) says her vote cannot be bought. A bald-faced lie. She is not embarrassed, not bowed, but she is proud. After holding out on her affirmative Senate health care bill, Democrat leadership offered her a bevy of consolations, and then added $300 million for the state of Louisiana to sweeten the deal. But Mary Landriue can't be bought. See video below.

Mary Landrieu

Landrieu says she fought for every dollar of the funds to be used for "gulf coast recovery," which she intimates will relieve Medicare costs which skyrocketed after Katrina. Well, we all know that $300 million won't bring much recovery to a state who refused to maintain the levees that the federal government paid for long ago. Did we ever get an answer to: where were the city fathers in any year you want to name, looking after the City and forcing the Corps of Engineers to fess-up to the sad plight of the waterway. No, we haven't gotten an answer. I have had it with the lack of any sense of responsibility for Katina.

Tracing federal payments to the New Orleans levees shows that neither the funds requested and/or the plans laid, would have protected New Orleans against a Cat 5 hurricane. There were plans, and there was funding, but neither was adequate.

SaveBigEasy.org wants $20 billion from American taxpayers to create miracles in the Big Easy, including those sections of the City sitting below sea level. On the website, this group layouts the huge cost of the Marshall Plan and our generous donations to HIV/AIDS and the Iraq war, but there is no mention of the billions already funneled to New Orleans for the levees. No one wants to talk about that.

In July of this year, a federal judge ruled that the Army Corp of Engineers was at fault in the failure of the levees in the Lower Ninth Ward and St. Bernard Parish, but not the flooding of eastern New Orleans. Plaintiffs received $720,000 or about $170,000 each. Over 100,000 individuals are said to waiting in the wings for even bigger awards.

Cornell Professor Thomas O'Rouke says his team studying the Katrina disaster, finds "history and politics" are perhaps more to blame than engineering:
As soon as levees are built, O'Rourke pointed out, they become "wasting assets" as they sink into soft and compressible soil. He added that levee and flood wall systems are paid for by the federal government but must then be maintained locally, sometimes causing local governments to resist more effective designs that require higher maintenance costs. Instead of building flood gates at the head of the New Orleans drainage canals, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under local political pressure, built "I-walls" by driving sheet piling into existing levees, and many of these failed during Hurricane Katrina, O'Rourke explained.
The federal government will continue to pay, and then how will this blighted city maintain the levees, and why do we think they might, when they never have? Mary Landrieu and all the politicians taking home Obama's stash need to be booted in their next election.

In the video below, more bald-faced liberal spin - saying nothing.

Mary Landrieu "I Can't be Bought" (video)

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt 253 Bomber: Abdul Mudallad and al-Qaeda Failed in Airline Bomb Attempt

Delta Northwest Flight 253 landed safely in Detroit today - Christmas Day, after Abdul Mudallad  tried but failed to blow up the plane on its descent. The would-be bomber appears to have several aliases: Abdul Farouk Mudallad and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. White House officials have called the incident an "act of terrorism." See 12-27-09 update below.

Northwest Airlines Flight 253

Mudallah, 23, allegedly tried to detonate explosives strapped to his leg. The device is believed be a powder and liquid mixture. The Nigerian flew KLM Flight 588 from Nigeria to Amsterdam where he boarded Flight 253, a Northwest Airbus 330 with 278 passengers.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Abdul Mudallad)

According to ABC News, the suspect told authorities that he had explosive powder taped to his leg and used a syringe of chemicals to detonate the powder.

Syed Jafry, of Holland, Michigan, told the Detroit News that he was sitting in the 16th row when he heard “a pop and saw some smoke and fire”. Mr Jafry said that people ran out of their seats to tackle the suspect.

Dawn Griffith, from Pontiac, Michigan, who was waiting to meet a passenger, told the newspaper that she saw a “young looking” man being taken from the airport handcuffed to a stretcher with his hands bandaged.
Peter Smith, a witness describes the scene aboard the flight:
The man was "subdued immediately," Elliott said. Northwest is a wholly owned subsidiary of Delta.

"There was one guy, who sat on the other side, the right side of the wing because this was on the left side of the wing, and he jumped over the other people and he took care of it," said passenger Peter Smith.

The suspect told authorities that he had explosive powder taped to his leg and used a syringe of chemicals to mix with the powder that was to cause explosion. This is of concert because it is a method of mixing that is consistent with terror techniques.
There are unconfirmed reports that some passengers were injured. Mudallad is believed to have second degree burns. Naturally, the U.S. would be merciful to a man desperate to kill American infidels:
The Nigerian suspect suffered second-degree burns and was being treated at the University of Michigan Medical Centre, where authorities were questioning him. On landing, the Northwest flight was directed to an isolated part of the Detroit airport as police and firemen responded.
Mudallad or Abdulmutallab is believed to be an engineering student at University College London. He allegedly claimed he was following instructions from al-Qaeda, and indeed, he is on a US "watch-List" according to this report, but...not on a no-fly list!!! ABC News reports he was flying from Nigeria to the US for a "religious seminar," according to his entry visa which was issued in on June 16, 2008 - and get this, it was good until June 12, 2010.

Photo of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, courtesy of Reuters (an undated photo)
Photo credit of Northwest Flt. 253: J.P. Karas/AP

Update 12-27-09:
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (Abdul Matallad) was officially charged with trying to blow up the Northwest airliner on Christmas Day - placing a destructive device on Flight 253.

The video below reports that a wall of the plane was on fire.

The egregious Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano believes this attempted bombing has no connection to a wider plan of attacks on the U.S.  - displaying here long-held belief that accusations of terrorism are offensive to the worldview.

Abdulmutallab's father, Umaru Mutallab, says he reported his son to the American Embassy in Lagos, Nigeria because he feared his son had been radicalized.

 Related and Background:
 Noteworthy News on Abdulmutallab: Eric Holder's Federal not Military Court

Gloria Borger grills John Brennan (video)

John Brennan Briefed about Yemen Bombs in Briefs last October 

 Travel Blog says Terrorists Plant Explosives Up their Anus!

Michael Leiter Sidesteps Christmas Day Bomb Attempt: Dennis blair's DNI CIA Turf War

 Obama's Pre-Christmas Security Briefing: Authorities Lie About Second Man Detained

 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attended Islamic school in Houston

 Michael Leiter NW Flt 253: CIA sent Abdulmutallab info to Leiter's Counterterrorism Center

Abdulmutallab and al-Qaeda in Saudia Arabia: Claims Christmas Day Attack

Jaspar Schuringa is Flight 253 hero: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab - son of prominent Nigerian banker

Amsterdam and the al-Qaeda threat is a Homeland Security Failure

Abdul Mudallad is Nigerian NW Flt. 253 Bomber - al-Qaeda failed in airline bomb attempt

Other Airline Terrorists:
Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Wins: Terrorism and Jihad wins

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