

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Arizona Calls LA's Bluff

crossposted from Blog @ MoreWhat.com

An earlier post on Blog @ MoreWhat.com suggested Los Angeles would be the loser in a boycott war initiated by their city council in response to Arizona’s passage of a state measure to deal with illegal immigration and border security.

Looks like this blog author wasn’t the only one considering strategy in light of California’s ill-conceived AZ boycott.

Ariz. official dares L.A. to stage boycott City would give up quarter of its electricity

The spat over Arizona’s new immigration law expanded Tuesday as a state official dared Los Angeles to follow through on its new boycott by agreeing to give up the 25 percent of electricity the city gets from Arizona sources.

In a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce said a boycott war is bad for both sides, and said he would “be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements” to end the electricity flowing to Los Angeles.

How about lights out for Los Angeles?

Stanford Matthews MoreWhat.com

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